Posted By
 Luca on 2007-05-08 03:10:31
 | [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
As we just discussed before, SceneCon2007 will take place in Budapest (in the northern side of Pest, if I spotted it right) in June the 16th and 17th, and we all are alluding to our participations since weeks, but in obscure manners. After the pretty kewl limiTED warm up, I think it's time to place our honourable asses on the grid line, and motivate each other revealing our real personal intentions about going to the party, boozing at the party, showing stuff at the party, avoiding the party like it would be rotten death.
We don't need all your card flipped on table, we only need to know if you call and how much will you bet on it, in order to spread motivation all around. One fact is for sure: apart all the event's coolness, which doesn't need to be introduced, SceneCon2007 would be a rare occasion to meet a big slice of your past youthness, then all the rest. And I think nobody with a pulsating heart could refuse that (apart of ppl who will have a new pulsating heart in family in that period ).
Ok, let's start to give a positive example. About me: I have some problems with my job in that perios, hence at the moment dunno yet if I can, but i would for sure. Regardless about that, I'm trying to code, hoping I'll have it read for that time, a liiiiiiittle stuff, based on what I'm able to do (appreciate the effort!): if finished, it will be presented anyway. And now it's up to you: reveal your intentions, spread the voice, have fun.
Posted By
 Degauss on 2007-05-08 03:18:48
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Ok, flipping my cards:
I definetly will be there. I think there is only few chances from stopping me. I didn't buy the ticket for the plane, but thats a minor issue.
When i'm there, i will have something to show around. And maybe, maybe, maybe there will be a demo - but i have to admit that i'm highly unsure at the moment. It might get hard to get something finished until scenecon but i'll try my very best. (If i now for sure, i'm going to post it here)
My personal opinion is that it'd be nice if there would be at least some +4 releases 
Posted By
 Csabo on 2007-05-08 09:57:34
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
My plans: show up, shake hands, grin like an idiot (in that order). Unfortunately no release is planned from LOD.
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-05-08 10:01:34
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Csabo: no. Really? :O No. Can't believe it. ...really? No, can't b... ... ... Really?
Posted By
 Csabo on 2007-05-08 10:26:53
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
What's so surprising about grinning? I grin a lot. See, I'm grinning now. Okay, you don't see, but trust me, I'm grinning.
Posted By
 Chicken on 2007-05-08 10:59:29
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Didn't you say you were going to Italy this summer? Don't grin there, trust me Been there, done that... Italian police will surely arrest you: "You have funny face! Come with us." (My teacher stopped them from doing so, though.) I guess they are just not used to plus/4 users who can grin without being doped Which makes me wonder if Luca sits in front of his monitor all the time :D
Posted By
 Csabo on 2007-05-08 12:00:32
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Yeah, I am. I'll be there on vacation for 3 weeks this year (and I will take a mini vacation from there to Hungary for the party). Thanks for the good info, I'll keep the grinning to a minimum while there 
Posted By
 SVS on 2007-05-08 12:21:38
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"

Posted By
 Luca on 2007-05-08 12:51:04
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
SVS: "when" is the only datum we just know, of course, you got the boobytrap! 
Ok, announcement: if Csabo TRULY won't release anything after he'd played along our hopes, I declare here and now Coding Strike! I just closed my +4IDE and YAPE with Logo Editor V2.0, and without saving. I won't release anything too for SceneCon, also because Poison/SGR just announced Arok Party 2007 so probably we could release there something. 
I Invite all of you to do the same, let's prepare banners and flags instead! Dr. Death will you join my party? Crossing my arms right now: co-ding-strike! co-ding-strike! co-ding-strike! 
Posted By
 Degauss on 2007-05-08 12:55:53
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Posted By
 Chronos on 2007-05-08 14:58:05
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
I will be there, maybe with a gfx. Absence WILL not release demo on SceneCon (maybe at Arok). So, i'll booze and talk with our SUBCULTURE. My soulmates csio and dcd tells possibly not coming it will be sad, but forgivable. Both guy promised to come to Arok 2007..
hey, if your demo needs graphic and its the only cause not to release it, contact me asap 
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-05-09 08:04:26
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Ok guys, now seriously talking. SceneCon will be a great party, we'll eventually meet each other, we'll have fun, and in a rare occasion finally I'll meet Csabo too (not to hide the latter is a powerful thrust to be there). What surprised me and, for example, Ingo, is this: the general sensation drives me to understand (correct me if I'm wrong) that hungarian sceners prefer to release their stuff at Arok instead, maybe because it looks closer to the +4 audience, being a virgin territory no more.
Personally, I really would make of SceneCon2007 _THE_ +4 party in 2007: it's bigger, it's in the capital city (easy to reach for all the hungarians), it's...ok you got the idea. Dunno if you would second me, but I prefer to release my prods where my mates intend to release their own too. Unfortunately, the lack of posting in this thread makes me think that wouldn't happen  Don't misconstrue my thoughts: I think I would have fun at a party with or without releases. But for me would be difficult to effort two trips in Hungary, one for the fun, the other for the fun and the releases.
My enthusiasm for SceneCon won't quench cause of this, and my words don't point fingers at any direct target (Csabo, your great 6fx made a dent in your spare time ), but I must admit I'm in troubles a bit more than before, about deciding what to do now...
Posted By
 Degauss on 2007-05-09 08:18:02
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
To me it looks like this: My gusto is ofcourse more towards Arok, because it is a dedicated 8-Bit party, it evolved to be the annual +4-party, it evolved to become my "home-party". But i can only afford one trip to hungary (spare time is the big problem). Since there is the rare occasion to meet Csabo, i have to decide:
I made up my mind that this year i'm going to SceneCon. I'm going to see other Arok-People i know and like anyway (Poison, Charlie, Blala, etc... i missed all of them because i didn't go to BP07) but i will also be able to meet Csabo.
I'm going to miss some part of the action anyway. If most +4-ppl will go to Arok or have their releases there: so it be.
Posted By
 Ati on 2007-05-09 14:28:26
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
I will be on Árok party, because it is 8-bit party. Better feeling! Maybe i will show a work version of my new lamer game...
Posted By
 Rachy on 2007-05-10 01:35:34
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
I will be on both, hopefully. My plan: having beers...  (And maybe, maybe something to release... But hush!)
Posted By
 Degauss on 2007-05-14 04:33:49
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Normally i don't like these kind of announcements, but i'm a bit euphoric about some certain achieved results, so:
The probability of me having a demo finished for SceneCon07 made a big jump to ABOUT 60% yesterday!
Sadly, this thread is very silent. How about the others?
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-05-14 07:25:52
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
That's terrible, this thread should solve all my doubts, nonetheless at the moment doubts increased, and time to get cheaper tickets and to synchronize events with job is ticking out. 
Posted By
 edhellon on 2007-05-30 06:45:44
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
I just reserved the plane tickets yesterday, so 99% that I'll be there (unless some vis maior is happens... ) Anyone knows if Nuke will be there?
Luca, don't hesitate anymore, just come. It'd be time to finally meet, dontchathink? 
Posted By
 Degauss on 2007-05-30 06:52:58
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
I also reserved my tickets yesterday. But i think i need a place to stay from Sunday to Monday. Can somebody help me with this?
Posted By
 Csio on 2007-05-31 17:14:41
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Hey, Doc!
iF you have time to travel with Krona and me to Baja and Mohacs and look around for sunday to monday and watch some interesting hungarian tradition (like how to code when you are an absence member) then you are wellllllcome!!!
Posted By
 Csio on 2007-05-31 17:19:10
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Luca! i've got a personal gift for ya, ofkoooz i wanna give ya on
Posted By
 Degauss on 2007-06-01 11:27:14
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Hi Ciso!
Thanks for the offer. My main concern is: I have to be at 12:00 o'clock at Budapest Terminal 1 on Monday. I guess i won't have much time to do sightseeing - though i would love to do that.
Anyway: The probability for me releasing a demo at Scenecon raised to 90% yesterday! 
Posted By
 Chronos on 2007-06-08 15:41:16
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
probably my plus4 will be the compo machine on the party with a synergy sid card and a 1541-2 so be prepared 
Posted By
 Lacoste on 2007-06-09 05:37:23
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
If you would like to stay with us in Budapest of course, you can. However we have a 1 year old boy We are quite close to the airport, so I can take you there.
Posted By
 Csio on 2007-06-09 11:04:12
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
okay, Lako! thanx the invitation and wait for us!
Posted By
 Chronos on 2007-06-09 11:47:07
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
check the weather: it will be hooot!
Posted By
 Gaia on 2007-06-10 14:24:21
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
The party place has recently got a face lift so I do hope they took care of the "overheating" problems (=there is airco) 
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-14 07:00:09
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Ok I fought till now to be there and I failed at last. Sorry guys, all the conditions turned bad, I would be there though many of those are quite negative, but I can't if they're ALL negative! Now I will try my best to finish my stuff and send it to Murphy or someone else before the party beginning. I really would be there...
Posted By
 Rachy on 2007-06-14 10:50:30
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
That is too bad Luca! How about Arok?
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-14 13:59:42
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Arok would be a nice alternative, but atm my trouble is finishing my stuff, and that's not a sure case 
Posted By
 bubis on 2007-06-15 04:41:00
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Sorry guys, I can not go to the party. 
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-15 04:42:02
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w" will broadcast the whole event! That's the final kick in the ass to me, I would be there!!  Check the timetable!
Posted By
 Rachy on 2007-06-15 10:13:25
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
No problem Luca, we will wave our hands for you... 
Posted By
 Csabo on 2007-06-15 11:06:09
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Ah, crap man Luca! Now I'm going to have to kill you! We (Gaia and I) are in Budapest, at an internet cafe. I could have gone down to Firenze and bust you out from work!
bubis I will miss you too, damn. I really hope the rest of you are coming!
Posted By
 Ati on 2007-06-15 12:00:01
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
On evening i will be there with W-man. 
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-15 13:01:07
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Believe me, I tried the possible and the impossible too to be here, but at the moment I'm testing my demo on the real iron, you will feel my presence anyway. Now I'm going out to but chips and beer, saturday night I'll glue my eyes to the live broadcast!! 
OMG! The music is in for 2 bytes only!
Posted By
 Degauss on 2007-06-15 20:10:17
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
was just preparing my trip, having Luca's and my demo with me! 
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-16 21:15:34
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Weeeeee! Congrats to all, especially to 8bit democompo participants!!
::scenecon2007::8bit demo competition:: 1.notizen aus der provinz/tek 2.adventures in mono/ace (crown+pigmy+gaia helped too!) 3.thalassa/fire (with 0 votes, boooh!)
The 8bit compo became a plus/4 compo, of course! A message to al the ppl who tried to be into the competition but got no time till the deadline: IF NOT SCENECON THEN AROK!
Posted By
 Lacoste on 2007-06-17 06:34:03
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
No votes ??? I voted for it ! My vote: 3 points of 5.
Posted By
 Lacoste on 2007-06-17 06:34:29
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Posted By
 Chronos on 2007-06-17 07:22:41
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
I!m just awakened now, and the first thing was to come to this topic... Luca! Your demo was cool, i really enjoyed the graphics, and i voted for it too, so the rows which showed the results was weird.. Theres is one thing to notice: your music was loud (or the party sound system..) and disturbed some of the viewers thats why the low score i think. Tek's demo was outstanding as usual nowadays..
I would like to thank to the really fast bugfix for pigmy,crown and gaia.. in a few days we put out the fixed version with infos.. csio said to me, "i don't wanna code for a while now, im shocked with the last two weeks rush.." but it was his idea, to make something.. hehe..
and again: thx for all the organizers, the participants and everybody for the great party!
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-17 09:08:44
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Well if the sound system at the party had been set so high, certainly I pay the highest, because you used SID and Ingo's TED music is based on drums mostly (in the last case, a loud volume is an advantage with TED!). Anyway, the sound issue is a classic, me and Ingo remember the disgusted reactions at Arok Party, every year the same the same same same same, unregarding the machine's specs. Probably they all would be disturbed in every non-SID non-PC non-Amiga case, and that's a different behaviour compared to other european parties (Germany and Finland especially), where the use of machine's specific features is considered a point of honour  Pouet teaches to us there are demos on Intellivision and TI-8x too, probably in these parties ppl wouldn't vote'em because of uncool sound 
Ok, time to upload this stuff...
Posted By
 Ati on 2007-06-17 09:18:18
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
The party was very great! Congratulations for all plus4 demos. I'd like see party fotos!
Posted By
 TLC on 2007-06-17 11:11:38
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
It was nice to meet you all, I was happy to have had the chance to talk with you guys. Hope we can meet again sometime in the future.
Posted By
 Lacoste on 2007-06-17 11:53:39
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Chronos and Csio ! Plz upload the pictures somewhere and send the link AZONNAL !!
Posted By
 Chronos on 2007-06-17 13:17:24
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
föntvan!!! i've uploaded it to our page, you can browse from the photo section!
Posted By
 Csabo on 2007-06-17 14:02:58
| Re: Voting
The party was totally awesome, chance of a lifetime for me, I was very happy to meet all you guys. Our scene is fully of smart, cool, friendly people, it's an awesome feeling to be among you.
Just a quick comment regarding voting: they showed the bars like 0% for the 3rd place, about 33% for the second place and 100% for the 1st place. This "percentage", the length of the bars mean nothing. It was like that for all the other compos that had 3 entries. I voted good or awesome for all products shown, big respects to the coders 
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-17 14:16:45
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
LMAO!  But you just killed Rachy! :-)
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-17 14:46:37
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Ok, Adventures in Mono has to be fixed, and I think we don't have to insert the partyversion as "partyversion", because that's not a non complete one, but a non working one on real iron. If you wanna see the great new demo by Absence ask to the authors, they will offer you the YAPE only version. So, waiting for the final one...
Oh, btw, final ranking!
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-17 16:08:20
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Ah! Intensity has to watch that, I'm going to alert him.
Posted By
 Rachy on 2007-06-18 03:41:28
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Posted By
 bubis on 2007-06-18 03:42:04
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Congratulations Degauss! Very nice pure Plus/4 stuff! And Luca has shown his secret talents finally! 
Thank you all!
Hey, but where is the Absence release?!?
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-18 04:39:23
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Thanks!  You can read above, and in th news section, the reasons why Absence's demo has not released yet. On pouet, somebody should have uploaded the nonworking version 
Posted By
 Gaia on 2007-06-18 08:22:53
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
The party version (that only worked in emulators) accidentally writes to the ACIA registers that causes crash on a plus/4 but probably works fine on an expanded C16. This was fixed on the party already, a 2 byte fix actually.
BTW, it was a very cool party with lots of (also cool) plus/4 people around 
Posted By
 Degauss on 2007-06-18 08:59:02
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
That was a remarkable party. So many +4-guys and a +4-only competition! (Come on: three high fidelity releases on one day, our scene rocks!). Thank all you guys for the good time!
I have to note that blala was so kind to guide me to the correct railway-station. The trip back was quite hard again - though i was quite sober then, i was very very tired and i was afraid that i might fall asleep and miss the train.
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-18 09:21:27
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Unfortunately, that means pasy just uploaded the emu working only version on pouet. Of course, this is not a deadli hi, but I would prefer a moderate behaviour to preserve from fake and...oh dear said that so many times, maybe is only a hobbyhorse of mine...
Posted By
 Gaia on 2007-06-18 09:28:43
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
As I said it is most likely NOT emu only but rather expanded-C16-only version.
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-18 09:46:08
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Really? Then I'm going to add it too!
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-18 11:11:30
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Ok, added, a screenshots gallery will follow when the final version will be released.
Posted By
 Chronos on 2007-06-18 12:49:18
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
csio has posted the fixed version to me and i've tested a few minutes ago on real iron and everything is ok. so, please be patient, i will make a note file and the directory and post it to commodore plus4 world.. this night 
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-18 15:36:51
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Ok, Intensity, author of your demo's tune, just declared to be so happy and proud about Barnabas'dance he could dance too!! 
From Pouet's comments:
Hey Chronos & CSI ! Luca told me to comment here and said you wanted to contact me. Congrats for the 2nd place, mates! :D And thanks for using my SID, thats truely an honour! :) If you still want to contact me, send me an email to and use the topic "BABY C64 DANCE!" :D Greetings to Lacoste also! Sweet baby you have :D Arman Behdad
Posted By
 Lavina on 2007-06-18 16:15:06
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Gee guys! Just returned home from Brussels, I'm watching the releases. Congratulations for all the contestants! I am really sorry that I was not be able to be present. Anyway, I'm happy with the new stuff You put out!!!
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-18 16:26:55
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Thanks Lavina! And a little reminder: IF TIME$<>"SCENECON" THEN GOTO "AROK"
Posted By
 Chronos on 2007-06-18 16:54:48
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
adventures in mono final is out!
Posted By
 Rachy on 2007-06-19 03:23:47
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Nice work dudez, really. I got in the mood of releasing something on Arok. (Unreal?! 
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-19 03:56:03
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Ooooh! Great decision at last, that's the spirit! 
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-19 03:56:04
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Need to be clear about this... Csio wrote in the Adventures in Mono info file: "SO LUCA, NO WE DONT USED ANY TCFS PROGRAM, NOR CINEMASTER OR WHATEWER. I PERSONALLY NEVER USED THIS STUFF.."
Just to not appear more lame than I am: I said this while watching the demo at the party via streaming, and streaming video+yape usage blurred the whole screen. Nonetheless, I was in doubt 'coz I guess it was made as an hybrid between charanim (like Cinemaster and vidcorder (like Algotech's demos on C64).
Posted By
 Chronos on 2007-06-20 14:45:47
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
ok, it was a quick response, nothing serious.. peace
for those who need it:

Posted By
 Luca on 2007-06-20 15:00:35
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Added! Also, the baby dance mania seems to explode on C64 scene, here.
Posted By
 Chronos on 2007-06-20 15:13:15
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
lacoste's virus marketing is an outstanding success!
Posted By
 Lacoste on 2007-06-20 16:14:17
 | Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
It is unbelivable! I tried it with Luca's TED demo, but Barnus didn't move a bit !
Ok, it was a joke, I never tried it ! 
Posted By
 Degauss on 2007-07-17 10:56:23
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Cool link, Lacoste. Gargaj has a huge talking-role, i wonder what he was talking about... 
Posted By
 Gaia on 2007-07-17 16:25:30
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
And where is that other release? That MFLI pic from Jedi? Or did I misunderstand something (could be )...?
Posted By
 Gaia on 2007-07-17 16:26:33
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Oh how stupid this is the wrong topic... I'm so tired (yawn). Also, the moment I have linked his name in, it appeared... :-D Very nice, too. Keep up the good work. How come noone has cited it so far?
Posted By
 Degauss on 2007-07-18 12:59:51
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
I'm really interested what all that talking in the video is about. I guess most of it is bla-bla but if there is something remarkable, could anyone give a brief summary in english?
Posted By
 JaB-En on 2007-07-18 18:48:55
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
So, video is mainly about:
- the Hungarian demoscene community - what are the most common hardware to develop on, what are the less common ones? - some connection between demoscene and game development - what are the most transparent connections between demoscene and popular electric music?
The older video is about:
- How to get in the demoscene in Hungary - Console room at the SceneCon 2007 Party - Origins of the demoscene
If you are interested, we could make subtitle to the video. Also there are some interviews from the Game Developers Forum, held in Budapest, in May (LU106), and a reportage about a Hungarian Developer team working on a racing MMO, plus some info about Sudoku games (LU108)
Best regars:
JaB-En level up editor
Posted By
 Degauss on 2007-07-20 01:09:00
| Re: [SceneCon2007] who-what-why-which and other pretty nice stuff with "w"
Hi JaB-En!
Thanks for your reply. (Was that you who led the interviews? If so, i remember seeing you at SceneCon). And thank you for the subtitling-offer, but please consider that your effort would be probably only for me (I wouldn't feel to well if you were translating this just for me... )