Posted By
 Lacoste on 2006-11-16 15:08:04
 | Demoscene on M1
Because of it's a hungarian tv programme, sorry but I write it in hungarian (sorry!) 
Biztosan tudjátok, hogy kampányolunk a magyar demoscene újra életrekeltése érdekében és egy alapítvány az MD1 (Magyar Demoscene Alapítvány) ezért alakult meg. Mivel tagjai között vagyok, gondoltam jó megosztani veletek, hogy egyrészt leszünk az M1-en a Kultúrházban, másrészt pedig látogassátok meg a -t amennyiben érdekelne titeket is.
| Demoscene on M1
Because of it's a hungarian tv programme, sorry but I write it in hungarian (sorry!) 
Are you probably know, we are campaigning to revive the Hungarian demoscene life and we created the MD1 (Hungarian Demoscene Foundation) for this reason. Since I'm a member, I thought I'd share with you all that we will be on M1 (Hungarian TV channel) in "House of Culture", and secondarily visit as long as you are interested.
"House of Culture":
Posted By
 Gaia on 2006-11-18 05:37:31
| Re: Demoscene on M1
Great! Just to clarify this: that's "our own" Murphy in the interview!
Posted By
 Luca on 2006-11-18 12:47:45
 | Re: Demoscene on M1
Krisz is da man. Did they played a bit with his surname?
Posted By
 Csabo on 2006-11-18 18:26:14
| Re: Demoscene on M1
Yes, if by playing you mean adding an extra "i". (Both in the subtitles and when he was introduced.) Unless WE know his last name wrong.
Posted By
 Chronos on 2006-11-19 11:42:58
 | Re: Demoscene on M1
nahh megnéztem, láthatóan a Galamb se tudta hova tenni ezt az egész számára marhára misztikus dolgot. nembaj, erőltessétek csak, legyenek új scenerek jól. plusira úgyse lesz már, majd csinálunk cracker demo 20at 70évesen és bottal fogunk hadonászni a tolókocsiból.. meg fel kell majd hangositani ezerrel a hangerőtet mer nem lesz már a fülünk--- jah és kikapcsolt monitorral is odapixelezek majd egy gfxet korpse meg megir bármit hátrakötött kézzel pusztán az orrával nyomkodva a gombokat 
| Re: Demoscene on M1
Well I watched it, but Galamb (the reporter) didn't really know where to place the whole thing - which was so mystical to him. It's okay, you guys just push it hard, and let there be new sceners. For Plus/4 there won't be anymore anyway, we will be doing Crackers Demo 20 when we're 70 years old and we're shaking our canes from our wheelchairs... And we will have to turn up the volume by a ton because we won't have ears--- oh and I'll be able to pixel up a picture with the monitor turned off and korpse (DCD) will be able to code anything with his hands tied behind his back, simply by pressing the keys with his nose 
Posted By
 Luca on 2006-11-19 15:05:06
 | Re: Demoscene on M1
Mh! I'm very curious to see our big Viktor pressing keys by nose! 
Posted By
 Lacoste on 2006-11-23 14:30:14
 | Re: Demoscene on M1
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