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on 2003-10-09
 Re: ID these games from Ebay

I got an answer from the seller the games were from "Stone-Castle"

Gärtner: Game
Digger: Strategy
Chicago: Game/Gambling
Safari: Strategy

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on 2003-10-07
 Re: ID these games from Ebay

The the 4 tapes on the lower right corner of the picture are called - Gärtner, Digger, Safari and Chicago - I don't know if these are games or education software I send a question to the seller

Posted By

on 2003-10-07
 ID these games from Ebay


The games in question is the 4 tapes on the lower right corner of the picture. Based on the yellow blob on each of them in their upper left corner, I would say they are from Stone Castle and probably German educational software. If anyone knows these games let us know what they are!

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