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Posted By

on 2003-10-11
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

Ah, it's good to see that the cable has arrived happy You could have telled me earlier that you're missing that cable happy

Posted By

on 2003-10-11
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

Got it! :-D Thanks again and again!

Posted By

on 2003-10-10
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

I have more: ahahahahahahah! happy

Posted By

on 2003-10-10
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

use an emulator meanwhile!

Posted By

on 2003-10-10
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

I' m still waiting, instead!
And I need it cause the SIDcompoIII was just launched 2 days ago! yeah, I know I've a whole month, but I wanna compose day by day, and not like the last musics, done in 1-2 days. I just decided to avoid again multispeed extracool-ish musics, composing a simple one: dunno why, I hate multispeed tunes...

Posted By

on 2003-10-10
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

Yep i did. You should have it by now, i've posted it last weekend with air mail! :O

Posted By

on 2003-10-10
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

MC: in order to be sure only, did you send the cable to Sesto Fiorentino, right?

Posted By

on 2003-10-06
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

You'll receive it in a couple of days, i hope so. Sent via airmail happy

Posted By

on 2003-10-02
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

sauvignon happy

Posted By

on 2003-10-02
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

cabernet - savignon. happy

Posted By

on 2003-10-02
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

What wine are you talking about? happy)
Ok i'll mail it to you today, if i can.

Posted By

on 2003-10-01
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

Ok Peter, be patient pleez, my address is written in LoneNews14, throw that shitty cable in an envelope and find spare time to send it to me with the pay-who-receive options. Sorry again, that radish-cranberry tasting wine should be stronger than I considered...

Posted By

on 2003-10-01
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

AAAAAAH! THAT'S MY CAAAABLEEEEE!!!! So faaar from meeeee!

Posted By

on 2003-10-01
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

Finders Keepers wink

Posted By

on 2003-10-01
 Re: ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

Ok my friend, i'm a lamer when it comes to electronics, but i have found a cable at the partyplace. Is this yours? If yes, send me your postal address to my email address, and i'll send it to you soon!

Posted By

on 2003-10-01
 ARGH! I'd lost my monitor cable...

...at 4ever03 partyyyy! My poor monitor cable is in Hungary somewheeeereeee!
I had to compose the music for our Minigame2003 compo trying to watch a stupid +4puking TV, quite difficult, but I can't work on LN15!
Please, if you have some news about it write! Otherwise, I'll try to build one by myself (I never did it before!).
BTW, vote for Gaia's entry, but vote for Markanoid too: the music was composed on a +4 with SIDcard...

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