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Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2025-03-09 19:48:14
| Re: C16/Plus4 BASIC type-in books & downloads of featured?
I just tried just "BASIC" and got a lot of unrelated entries, mostly in Hungarian. 
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2025-03-09 18:57:05
| Re: C16/Plus4 BASIC type-in books & downloads of featured?
I'm sorry for the stupid question. I just tried the search feature with several key words and found nothing. 
Posted By
 Luca on 2025-03-09 16:08:59
 | Re: C16/Plus4 BASIC type-in books & downloads of featured?
We have a fantastic search feature here, why open a thread instead of use the obvious way?
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2025-03-09 15:33:44
| C16/Plus4 BASIC type-in books & downloads of featured?
Hi! A few minutes ago, I looked at the 100_programs_for_the_commodore_16.pdf file on my computer and didn't find the programs too pleasing--anyway, the intros--and am looking for other C16 BASIC type-in books. I'd also like to download the featured programs instead of typing them in. Where can I get them?