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Posted By

on 2013-04-19
 Re: [eBay] Does it infringe some rights?

lol I like your thinking, but it could also be taking advantage of kids that need feeding or a pair of shoes for school because dad just spent the money on a game that is almost worthless.

He may spoil it for people in the long run who might want to collect if prices become stupid. It's not his copy that will sell, it will be the ones that has under cut his asking price but has only dropped the price a little. His will remain online forever more unless some one is really desperate. That's how the prices go up artificially... That's what's wrong about it.

Posted By

on 2013-04-19
 Re: [eBay] Does it infringe some rights?

hey, i have the answer! This guy is from Notthingem, and he is the modern Robin Hood, taking the money from the rich guys! happy

Posted By

on 2013-04-19
 Re: [eBay] Does it infringe some rights?

This does, my rights.... Takes the piss any way!

penfold_t_mole at it again with price fixing. I'm sure Ian Davison would be laughing hard at this seller if he knew what his game was being priced at.

Commodore 16 game Canoe Slalom for £39.99 and it even has pen writing on the cover!! Totally disgusting, outrageous even. (roll eyes)

He can have the 2 copies I have for £70, bargain lmfao!

Link: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Commodore-16-game-Canoe-Slalom-/121040933366

Posted By

on 2013-04-13
 Re: [eBay] Does it infringe some rights?

well, too bad, that all those nice, converted, A-class games (Elite, Bard's Tale, Gpc, etc) not available on Plussy in a more exclusive format, like nice sleeve+own disc with sticker. I am really happy that all those games do exist on our machine, too bad that you cannot refer to them even after those software houses vanished?!?

Posted By

on 2013-04-13
 Re: [eBay] Does it infringe some rights?

If it's the one I'm thinking of the seller has used the same template over and over... Even a Summer Events shot with my old nick is being used. Lazy really. If it's the same person his original auction of this template was being used on a "by it now" Plus/4, but he was asking too much so it never sold or never looked as if it did in the end. Was on ebay like that for months & months on end any way.

To be honest you can go back to the early 2000's and people were selling C16/Plus4 games on CD straight from the internet. Nothing has changed in that regard. It covers all formats of 8 & 16bit, even and magazines scans too that have not been scanned by the seller can be had covering loads of game machines...

There is nothing you can do really. End of the day the action page is not only lazy but sucks big time. It's way too much spam for one page for an item being sold.

anyway here is the page in question.
Link: Commodore plus/4,64kb,100games....

and any body than knows anything about the C16/Plus4 knows half the games listed were never commercial releases for the system and his page looks out of place compared to everything else on there lol. (roll eyes)
I'm sure new owners will be a bit pea'd off when they get a load of games on crappy old C60 or C90 cassettes as shown with the Trailblazer running on the TV shot. wink

Posted By

on 2013-04-13
 [eBay] Does it infringe some rights?

There's this eBay auction, selling "Commodore plus/4, 64kb, vintage computer +datassette , psu, 100games", then several games pictures follows, mosto of thema are taken from Plus/4 World: no source citation and some weirdos, like Grand Prix Circuit intro picture, which is from the original disk version only.

I'm puzzled: can this stuff be sold this way? It looks strange overall, mmm... :/

Our respective messages follow.

In which format (tape, cartridge, disk...) are the 100 games? In the offer I see mostly screenshots taken from our
site Plus/4 World, and several of those games are freeware licensed and can't be sold even in an eBay auction...

Hi. Games are on cassettes and most are "public domain",I'm selling computer set, not games on their own.
Kind regards.

Mmmh, you wrote:"You are bidding on a Commodore plus/4 computer with datassette, Software manual,psu and
around 100 games!!!",and, yet worse:"There are 2 cassettes containing one game each and 3 cassettes containing plenty
of games. All that you can see on pictures. "Into the "plenty of games" collection, I see from the picture some games
which shouldn't properly be object of a bid, like Gabor Varga's games (Skoro/ASN), or some C64 conversions which have
been done explicitely not to be sold, or the Tamas Sasvari (TCFS)'s conversions which areunder shareware licence and
cannot be sold in a bid.I don't intend to annoy or bother or accuse you, hope your bid will be a successful one, I simply
warned you about some rights you might partially infringe happyHave a good day.

...anyway would be kind next time to cite the source of the pictures you used, which is our site in this particular case.

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