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Posted By

on 2002-09-23
 No problem!

You are more than welcome, however, most of the credit should go to BBSoftware. He emailed me a big bunch of games a while ago (ever since then he even uploaded them to his page), I just haven't had the chance to go through them all, and add them to the database + upload them... That's where I found it.

Posted By

on 2002-09-23
 Just to confirm....

It *WAS* the game I was looking for. Thank you *so* much! happy

Posted By

on 2002-09-23
 Csabo - you LEGEND! ;)

Thank you very much, Csabo! happy I tried a search last night to no avail. I ain't DL'ed/tried it yet, but the screenie looks like the game!

Thank you to everyone for helping! happy))

About how I got the game originally... I think it was on a tape with not as many as 100 games, but around 25. The games *all* used the kernal loader, and it was easy to just SAVE"xxx",1 to grab a copy!

Come to think of it, Star Trader must have been all in basic, or have had a basic M/C loader (you know: DATA poked into memory from the basic code), because I'm sure I copied it by the basic SAVE command alone - which wouldn't have saved any ML locations would it?

The only other big compilation I had was for the C64 - "Cascade 50"... ohhh deeaar!!! wink

Anyway I'm rambling! Thanx to everyone again, espesh Csabo! wink

Posted By

on 2002-09-23
 Re: 100 games on 1 tape?

I know what you mean, but... happy

Loading a 100 games would have been fun in it's day. You have to remember software was the main food for your computer and the need to see more as we do now was just as strong back then as it is today be it Tape or Floppy wink

I think they had that home brew Turbo Loader they released on all the titles...

Posted By

on 2002-09-23
 100 games on 1 tape?

That must have been a pain in the @$$ to load off the end of the tape.... even worse if you forgot which side it was on, and had to flip the tape over and do it again.

Did they give a list of what was on each side with approximate tape positions? At least that would have helped.

Posted By

on 2002-09-23
 Found it!

Star Trader

Posted By

on 2002-09-23

I can't remember the software house name. It was something like ROBTEK or close to it. Well they had 100 Basic games on 1 cassette and I'm sure this was one of them. A friend once bought this compilation, at the time I was laughing as it had no screen grabs on the back cover and knew all would be basic wink It was £9.99 over here.

This company also released a Turbo Loader tool to save your programes to tape.....

Posted By

on 2002-09-22
 I remember something along this line

where you bought and sold things among various planets, correct?

I will have to check my archive, but it does sound familiar.

Posted By

on 2002-09-22

Are you sure it's not "Space Trader"?

Otherwise, I'll check into my colection...

Posted By

on 2002-09-22
 I seek old C16/+4 commercially released BASIC game: "Star Trader"

The game was written at least 90% in basic, and was a trading game. The graphics were done completely in the ROM charset, and apart from that I can't really remember much else.

"Star Trader" came on a compilation tape with quite a few other basic games, including...

"Seige": was a sort of 2 player catapult game - trying to hit each other over a wall...
"Warlock": was a multiple choice adventure - you pressed 1,2 or 3 depending on your action

The one I really seek is Star Trader. Does anyone know of it/where to get it?

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