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Posted By

on 2002-09-17
 no problem, just a feature request :]

Hi! I don't have problems running .prg files from the emulator happy But I want to run them from commandline, something like: yape.exe -pC:plusiprogs estapp.prg -g5000
Read the letter happy

Posted By

on 2002-09-11


No I haven't got the chance to check my email yet as I am now back for a few days in Hungary. I'll be back on track from Sunday...

It should be possible to start PRG images... Could you specify your problem?


Posted By

on 2002-09-11

Hi! I'll download this new version this night. I have an XP Pro, so the digi sounds were really ugly until now happy Did you receive my letter last night? I was asking for a commandline option to start .prg images.

Posted By

on 2002-09-06
 Good work Ati

Nice 1 Bro, shes is working sweet on XP!!! happy
Digi Sound is cool, just had a quick look at ACE. Yape now runs at a solid 105% hehehe or 666% unlimited happy

Many thanks happy

Posted By

on 2002-09-05

Luca, was that you posting the previous message? The demo's disk image is a bit unorthodox: the BAM is 'linked in a loop'. In other words, the directory is endless (on a real plus/4 this should probably work: when you press directory, it keeps listing and listing... Until you press Run/Stop or reset.) That's probably why it fails on Yape.

This "ASC" doesn't look like a legitimate group. I've never heard of them. Until we find at least one more release from them, or a reference to them in any demo (as a greetings or something) this demo would be the perfect candidate to sit in the "MISC" folder.

Posted By

on 2002-09-05
 Good question

Well, it indeed deadlocks the emulator if you're trying to load it with the 1551 parallel port emulation. I have to debug it, thank you for pointing it out. That D64 image is quite messy... happy

If you try the CPU level 1541 emulation it won't freeze, although it won't load anything either. I guess (haven't checked yet) the fastloader fails because of the current synchronisation problems....

Posted By

(no name)
on 2002-09-05
 (no topic)

Love this version! happy

Why it breaks when loading this demo?

Posted By

on 2002-09-05
 Yape 0.41

Today I released a new version of Yape. Here's what's new:

- started implementing a status bar
- limited speed does not use up 100% CPU anymore
- improved TED DMA timings
- largely improved digi sound support
- digi sound now works on NT/2000/XP
- forced full speed now mutes sound
- optimised sound emulation
- optimised screen rendering a bit
- fixed file association bug on NT/2000/XP
- fixed fallback sound mode
- fixed wraparound of two zero-lap opcodes

Thanks to all who contributed by testing the beta's. If you think had problems with the sound I definitely recommend getting this one. Grab it from here: http://yape.plus4.net

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