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on 2011-09-15
 Re: 256 byte fastloader

I am just curious: I checked the ASM code, and looks pretty straighforward code, seems easy to implement on Plus/4. (initially I supposed no work, but timing on the badlines means I still have to finetune it a little. also swithing off the autostart routine on the stack, etc)

Question: how it could be integrated into BASIC? happy I know, if should be a lot of DATA and POKE commands and then a SYS. But ASM code is putting it to a certain place. How do I create the DATAcode list? Create the prg in the memory with an assembler, then PEEK the memory? or there are ASM programs able to create DATAlist at once?

Certainly (based on this fantastic Forum expert info) it will be called only when 1551 not detected happy

Question: if I want to load exactly sized bunch of data, like full screen GFX, it IS the right fastloader, right? Or you suggest do not spend too much time on it, just use any of the fastloaders available, just copying it ot the D64 disk and they are even faster...

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on 2011-03-07
 Re: 256 byte fastloader

Hmm, not handshaked per bit-packet, so not usable with IRQs. Good for bulk reading without doing anything "special", but limited for demos.

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on 2011-03-06
 256 byte fastloader

... for the c64, should be easy to convert:


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