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on 2002-04-07
 What you need...

I guess the book is saved to a 5 1/4 inch floppy?

In this case, you'll need a so-called XE1541 cable first to be able to transfer files from your 1541 drive to the PC. Once you get hold of one, you may use the Star Commander to transfer the file from the disk to a PC file.

Further I can't help at this point because you didn't specify the text editor used.

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Francesco Curcio
on 2002-04-06
 I need help!

My father is 90 years old and he wrote a hole book using a Plus4 which I left home!
I would like to make him a present, making a new edition of his book, but I need to import the files on a PC.
Is there anyone who can give me some good instructions on how to manage it?
thanks in advance

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