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Posted By

on 2007-01-03
 Re: NewStuff RSS Feed

Try pm.rss.php and let me know if you like it. Thanks for the suggestion about sorting, it was meant to be like that, but wasn't. Now you should get the latest messages on top.

Posted By

on 2007-01-03
 Re: NewStuff RSS Feed

How about RSS for private messages? And maybe also sort private messages by sent date?

Posted By

on 2006-12-31
 Re: NewStuff RSS Feed

RSS Feeds are one of the best functions of the web. I'm like Csabo and keep upto date with all the latest posts from forums and sites using them. But rather than using IE7, I use firefox and the use of the google homepage.

Great feature happy

Posted By

on 2006-12-30
 Re: NewStuff RSS Feed

If anyone else is scratching their head (like I was)....

In IE7, click the RSS icon just to the right of the Home button. This works for Forum RSS, News page RSS, and New Stuff RSS. You have to already be on the relevant webpage for this to work properly.

For a web-based RSS viewer (like the Google personalized homepage), you have to give the entire URL. http://plus4world.com/forum.rss.php for Forum RSS, http://plus4world.com/newstuff.rss.php for New Stuff, and http://plus4world.com/news.rss.php for the News page.

Posted By

on 2006-12-29
 NewStuff RSS Feed

... is now done. If you visit the New Stuff page, you'll see the RSS icon (provided that your browser can handle it!), and you can subscribe from there. I find myself using the RSS feeds for the forum and the news more and more often, so I finally took the time to do it for the new stuff too.

If there are any requests/comments regard these feeds, let me know.

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