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on 2019-03-26
 Re: Shift-Clr/Home: More 8-Bit Thoughts... (fwd)

...pity it covers C64 and C128 only, hitting completely offtopic here grin

Posted By

on 2019-03-25
 Shift-Clr/Home: More 8-Bit Thoughts... (fwd)

---------- Original message -----------

From: Lenard Roach
Date: March 24, 2019

Greetings to all Superheroes and Super Criminals out in cyberspace:

I wanted to let everyone know that, after almost 2 and 1/2 years of waiting, delays, and other problems, the latest... from my warped mind have finally gone "live" on Amazon and are available for purchase through Amazon books.


..."Shift-Clr/Home: More 8 Bit Thoughts In A Gigabit World" is my second compilation book on bits, tips, and articles that I've written over the last few years and have been previously presented in various Commodore computer publications throughout the world. This book is designed to appeal to the Commodore user and non-Commodore user alike. Many have enjoyed my first book [Run/Stop-Restore: 10th Anniversary Edition] and have eagerly awaited the second. Now it is finally here and available...

[The] book runs $14.95 each. Your support of my work is greatly appreciated.

Thank you again to everyone for your patience as I tried to make [this] as close to brickhouse perfect as possible. I'm sure that those with a keen eye may find more mistakes than I did.

Please enjoy... Now it's off to work on the next book...

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