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on 2019-05-31
 Re: Majikeyric has released an V1.1...

Wow, this time I completely failed with it Too may duties to follow...

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on 2019-05-31
 Re: Majikeyric has released an V1.1...

The fix and music switch were already present in the original CPlus/4 version happy

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on 2019-05-29
 Majikeyric has released an V1.1...

Robots RumbleIn space, no one can hear you scream "Damn magneeeeeet!". There's too much metallic crap in the universe, we need a hero to melt it down once and forever. And the man in charge is: you!

Open up your ears... yes, it's a loud Robots Rumble! Digital Monastery, the game developing department of Hokuto Force hits the Commodore Plus/4 (or Commodore 16 +64K) once again with this puzzle & action game that will make you punches your computer desk in frustration! Originally written as a C64 game for the RGCD C64 16KB Cartridge Game Development Competition 2019, this game "speaks in French" again: it's Majikeyric behind the code, and this time Uctumi is with him for the musical score, and Miguetelo as well who did the graphics and the game concept:

Old broken robots must be pushed down into the lava on all the planets you visit. It appears to be quite a delicate duty to accomplish without troubles, if you wanna avoid severe pollution or dangerous interactions with other moving element. And no, the inner caves of a planet are not that simple vertical void where to kick stuff safely. The solution? Guiding magnets! The broken robots still have their wheels, hence a couple of well charged magnets are able to carefully move them in order to go thru the obstacles into the caves. Beware to finish out of charge! Be warned about the many situations the player can meet: breaking glass floors, climbing through light lifts, using teleportation, etc. Luckily, some mobile platforms help to fill gaps between two distant floors, in the case.

Robots Rumble is the ecologic space duty game the spring 2019 was waiting for on Commodore Plus/4, but it also is a challenge for your nerves! It's a game of memory, great view and fine problem solving capabilities. So keep calm, move those magnets in the right way, aaaaand the robot takes the riiiight waaaaAAAAMN YA TELEPORT RAY!

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