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on 2014-12-03
 Re: Club Info 136

Nice Magazin!

Thank you for putting some of my picture-conversions in it.

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on 2014-12-02
 Club Info 136

Club Info 136Erich/Unlimited from Germany ushers us into December with the latest issue of Club Info. The 4th and final issue of this year, issue 136 is here for your viewing pleasure with a brand-new short intro. The magazine's format should be well-known to regular visitors: two disk-sides filled with German language articles, and new/recently released software.

If you're ready get into the Christmas mood this early, be sure to check out Christmas 2014: a (mostly) cute and long Petscii-Movie converted by Erich. There's also a new German utility included called Postgebuehren 2015, which contains the current postal charges in Germany. Last but not least, if you want to fire up Page-Setter on the good old Commodore Plus/4, there are hardware plans and the solution for Total Eclipse on the disk as well.

Cheers to Erich for this issue! Check it out and enjoy!

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