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on 2014-05-23
 Re: Note-Game from Champ

Neat little game!
I was pleased I got my first note as I don't read music on sheet paper. I know what a C is on a keyboard but on paper I'm lost. It was more luck I got it right, I knew C was low and below the bars but it didn't look low enough so I typed D for Dunce and it worked! grin

Very good for your first program! Thanks for sharing. happy

Posted By

on 2014-05-22
 Re: Note-Game from Champ

Thanks for giving replies to the game and give tipps to improve the programm.

The solution for the bug in the english programm is:
7 V%=0

The german version is OK,it doesn't have the bug.

Best wishes


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on 2014-05-21
 Re: Note-Game from Champ

Go champ go! happy

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on 2014-05-20
 Re: Note-Game from Champ

What a comforting sensation is, to see a daddy teaching BASIC on C16 in the year 2014, you deeply moved me angelsoft and Champ (should be my getting elder maybe)!

EDIT: maybe I've found a bug. Restarting a game after you've missed the very last note in the previous one, clears the score but does not clear the note index, occuring in a one-question-only play.

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on 2014-05-20
 Note-Game from Champ

Note-GameIf you have a few minutes, check out Note-Game, written by someone who must be the youngest coder on the scene: Champ (angelsoft's son). It's his first program coded completely by himself! It's available in both English and German. The game teaches musical notation (and scores you as well). If you have some words of encouragement or perhaps ideas or other comments, be sure to hit up the forums.

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