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on 2019-05-10
 Re: Our Brand New Plus/4 Archive

OMG the internet is full.


Sry for Hungarian language.

Posted By

on 2019-05-10
 Re: Our Brand New Plus/4 Archive

It's 2019 and for the very first time, I can't upload further programs on Othersi.de, due to Disk Quota Exceeded error message. Omg we're out of space! :o

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on 2009-11-25
 Re: Our Brand New Plus/4 Archive

Thanks for a great job! For those who don't know, the archive contains a PDF copy of the Programmer's Reference Guide - The most valuable Plus4 book I own.

Posted By

on 2009-11-25
 Re: Our Brand New Plus/4 Archive

good work!!! i already checked it out

Posted By

on 2009-11-25
 Re: Our Brand New Plus/4 Archive

Thank you guys, for the very appreciated work!

Posted By

on 2009-11-24
 Welcome to the Othersi.de ;)

First of all, thanks really has to go to Luca who kept the plus/4 archive at Rulez.org updated all these years.

When I read the other thread (http://plus4world.powweb.com/forum/18733) about the problems Luca faced, I thought about a simple solution. Most important, easy access for the maintainer. Furthermore, it would be nice to have a reliable webspace. The former was easy to establish and "moving" the archive was a piece of cake after a tiny initial problem. The latter... well, only time can tell but there's no traffic limit so we shouldn't run into any problems.
The webspace is paid for already for the next six months and I'll continue to do so as long as we need it.

And yes, there's still room for plenty of new releases happy

Posted By

on 2009-11-24
 Our Brand New Plus/4 Archive

Othersi.deIt was the year 1994: everything had born with the Delta System's FTP repository, which had shown it was possible to store swap and spread Plus/4 stuff via Internet. That repository had been enlarged, becoming the Rulez.org Plus/4 Archive, fulcrum for any user. Unfortunately the historical Hungarian archive can be updated no more, and it rested frozen since March 2008.

These days we've put online the 3rd incarnation, and thanks to Chicken which has made it possible by offering his own free FTP space!
Othersi.de is now our main reference Internet archive, continued exactly from where Rulez.org has stopped, and it's right now the largest existent 264 software archive in the whole WWW, from where you can easily pick up all the Plus/4 related demos, games, documents, tools and magazines.
As for the past Rulez.org era, Luca will keep it updated, reporting all the changes and variations into the appropriate .txt files you can find in the upper folder.

So, welcome Othersi.de! Ready to start again!

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