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on 2003-03-22


Thank you, but of course I got my own SID-Card.

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on 2003-03-19
 SIDCard photographs

Would photos of an actual SIDCard help any? Jim H in Alasha sent me one that I've not had a chance to try out... probably should photo it before I fry it, huh? happy

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on 2003-03-19

I just reviewed the schematic. The analog part is quite a mess, this definitely has to be redone..

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on 2003-03-19


Well, the schematic for the sid card is available on solders website. I see three options:

a) It is possible to get the PCB layout data from solder. We could order new PCBs and someone has to do the soldering -> Lots of work.

b) No layout available. Do new layout, opens possibility for full third party manufacturing.

c) Redesign the board. This would make sense, because some features are mostly redundant. (Mouse port etc.) And some parts of the design are weak. (Especially the power supply) This would also open the possibility of adding some features, like a large Flashrom (512kb) to store software..

Either possibility both requires time and poses a monetary risk. Also keep in mind that there is no way to re-manufacture the SID card as cheap as solder sold them. 40€+tax can be considered as a minimum price without the SID.

A way to cover the financial risk would be a pre-order programme.

The time consumption is a more serious problem. I could ask some people about input, but this will take a few weeks. I might have time to take care of the design during the summer, but I will not have access to any hardware or testing equipment. (will be away from home for a while).

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on 2003-03-19
 To Bionic: SIDcard

I heard lotta voice arising, asking for SIDcard: considering the italian CBM list only, I collected something like 13 requests for SIDcard, e.g...
Solder said he won't assemble and sell any longer, hence many users tried to contact him in order to obtain useful schematics and other stuff, but it has disappeared.

Do you find a valid solution for this riddle?

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