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Posted By

The +4 King
on 2005-08-17
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Yes Robert,
At the moment chris has my last PLUS/4 but i will get it back when he has finished with it. But i now have YAPE on my P.C. so i am able to play all the +4 games that i like so much wink

Posted By

on 2005-08-16
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Now, Peter, I hope you kept at least one Plus 4 for yourself (as you
have told me many times). happy

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group

Posted By

on 2005-08-15
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Yes, there is such a list: missing covers, missing software. Both are incomplete though, and of course it's possible that there are some pieces of software out there that we haven't heard of yet, so they're not even listed.

Posted By

on 2005-08-15
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Hiya folks,

Well after 10 hours driving on Saturday, the collection found its way to yorkshire. Theres that much of it, I feel it mighttake me years to catalogue it all wink

There are some very interesting disks within it, about 160 disks from the Elder which I'll try and convert to D64 at some point.

Having four 1551's is pretty cool happy

Need a plan of action, lol.. Somewhere to start.....

Think I'll start in this order:

Scan in all the H & D Plus 4 handbooks, eight issues
Continue scanning all the magazines (lots of them)
Investigate all the Plus 4 Geos disks and see what we can do with them (about 30 of them)

Then decide on whats next.

Csabo, Do you have a list of missing covershots/programs available. As I can make those a priority?

Posted By

The +4 King
on 2005-08-14
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Hello one & all
I would just like to say that the Collection is now in the Hands of Chris. And i would like to wish him The Best of Luck with Helping to Keep the PLUS/4 Alive and Kicking.
All The Best

Posted By

The +4 King
on 2005-08-04
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Hi Bubis. I am sorry to dissapoint you. But i don't have a VIC20 and i am not spitting up my Collection. I am selling it as a Whole. I don't know how much Chris wants to keep of it. But we have had so many People come forward to ask about certain items. We have had to say sorry, but no sale as yet. When chris does get time to sort out what he is not going to keep. There will be a notice put on here. Giving everybody the Change to bid for the item. That is the only fair way of doing it. I hope that answers all your Questions. Greetings From England.
The +4 King
P.S. I wanted to swop for a 21 Year Old. +4 Queen, But the wife said NO!!!!!!!!!

Posted By

on 2005-08-04
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Hi! I would like to buy a working 1551 and a vic20 if possible. Please contact me: dotsch-at-gmail-dot-com.

Posted By

on 2005-07-30
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Sorry to see ya go, Peter....
Know it is a tough choice to part with the goodies. Got a closet full myself, that I must toss.

Posted By

The +4 King
on 2005-07-28
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Wow!! All this Feedback over The sale of my Collection. Well at the end of the Day i hope that you all enjoy it. Bionic Please don't be like that, at lease someone is Trying to keep the Sid card alive. And an old Sid Card is better then No Sid at all, Maybe if we all ask Solder nicely he willcome Back and make a new one for us. Also a Big Hello to all that Know Me. And can Someone Please let Erich Laber know that i am selling My Software because there was some Programs that he still wanted. Thanks

Posted By

Dan Wood
on 2005-07-28
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Nice one Chris

Would you be interested in selling on a 1551 to me?! happy

Posted By

on 2005-07-28
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

@ Bionic:
I understood the sad message, PowerPoint doomed you happy
Thanks again for your efforts in any case.

I can help, there are 2 pictures of my sidcard, taken at 4ever03:
this one and this again.

Posted By

on 2005-07-28
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Hi Bionic,

I contacted Solder a few months ago and he sent me the schematics and gave us some pointers happy I take your thoughts on board, I'll have a chat with Jurek this morning as I think he would appreciate any help with this project.



Posted By

on 2005-07-28
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Luca: no time Which is a pity..

Chris: I do not understand why you or Jurek need physical hardware to build a new SID card? Solder published the schematics on his website - and if you are in need of the PCB layout it would maybe clever (and also more fair) to contact him directly?

Besides that I would not recommend to use the old design:

- It uses a fairly inefficient DC DC converter, disallowing to use a 6581 and wasting lots of power.
- The audio amplifier adds quite some distortion because the second transistor stage is driven into saturation.
- The SID is not clocked at the correct frequency.

See also here:

If Jurek is willing to design a new SID card I will happily help him out.

Posted By

The +4 King
on 2005-07-28
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Hi One & All
I have Thought long and hard about this. And i said to myself that if i ever sell it, I would want all my Collection to go to a Good Home. But also to someone who Help keep the +4 Alive & well. I will sorry to see it Go, But i am Pleased to see that the People who still love the PLUS/4 can enjoy the Software. I can still be Contacted via this Site. If there is anything that You would like to ask me. If i can help in any way. Please feel Free.
Best Wishes
The +4 King

Posted By

on 2005-07-27
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Look after my C116 when you get it!

Only joking, I had my name on it once apon a time ago but Peter couldn't make his mind up if he was going to part with his collection or not. If I remember right I tryed putting him off getting rid of everything because if there was ever a day when he wanted it all back then that dream would never happen! Maybe why its taken him this long to make his mind up omce and for all.

Enjoy anyway. happy

Posted By

on 2005-07-27
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

BTW it's a pity that Peter dropped his beloved passion...

Posted By

on 2005-07-27
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Peter's C116 is at a friends house somewhere in London, he is arranging transport back to his so I can pick it up with the rest :D

Posted By

on 2005-07-27
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

and what happend to the C116? happy

Posted By

on 2005-07-27
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

did u get the sid chips, already? or do u still look for them?

Posted By

on 2005-07-27
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

One of the SID cards is going to be sent over to Jurek, who will use it as a template to create new ones. It shouldnt be long (few months) till we can start producing them.

Posted By

on 2005-07-27
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

I want a (another) SIDcard...
Tiiiim! Where are you?

Posted By

on 2005-07-27
 Re: The +4 King's Collection :)

Just a update to what I know is in the collection.

Range of working and boxed machines
1 x Digiblaster
2 x SID cards
1 x 256k Memory upgrade (Plus 4)
1 x 64k Memory upgrade (C16)
1 x 32k Memory upgrade (C16)
Numerous 1551 drives
Plus 4 Eprom Burner
Fast loader cart
Speedking cart

approx 400 original tapes
approx 1200 disks.

The SID and memory cards will help us to start building our own soon. Have been talking to Jurek and he is confident for the items to be ready for last few months of the year.


Posted By

on 2005-07-27
 The +4 King's Collection :)

Over the last month, I have been in contact with Peter Hanson (The +4 King). For some time his Plus 4 collection has been in the attic and not being used. Peter dropped the hint that he might want to sell his collection, sometime passed and he offered to sell his entire collection to me. The deal has been done, I'm hoping to travel down on Friday 12th August, then attend the CGEUK on the 13th to show the collection. This will give me some time to catalogue it and chance to check it all out. I'm even trying to persuade Peter to come along to the event.

For the next couple of months, the majority of the collection will be placed into storage until I move house and get a room dedicated our Plus 4.

Also I'm thinking about hosting a Plus 4 meet later on in the year, more details on that later happy

Just like to publicly thank Peter for giving me this opportunity and that it will all be loved in a good home. Welcome back to the scene too, nice to see you in the forums

Chris :D

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