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Posted By

on 2001-04-17
 With a special program?

You'd need a special dedicated utility I'd guess...
Have u tried ftp://c64.rulez.org/pub/plus4 already?

Posted By

on 2001-04-18
 I meant how to do it!

What I'm asking is 'can anyone tell me how to format a 1541 disk to beyond 664 blocks free?'

I'm looking for commands, or at least a place with documented programs..... ftp.funet.fi doesn't tell me what programs actually will do it unless I guess from filenames.

My situation is that I don't have my Plus/4 hooked up at the moment, but I would like to look at source code (preferably BASIC) and get some ideas...


Posted By

on 2001-04-18
 Ok, if you like it,

I can send you a package of 5 separate files that do both format and use tracks 36...40
Some of them are in BASIC.
Anyway, to format 'illegal' tracks, you have to bypass the 1541 O.S., and to code your own routine. It must be put on 1541' RAM, then executed. This includes a deep knowledge of 1541' O.S. and memory map.
I studied it (a few), then if you need any tip, feel you free to ask me for.

S\_/S of [FIRE] crew

Posted By

on 2001-04-18

Yes, I would be interested in looking at that code. Please email to doctorduckie@hotmail.com or tell me where you have it posted for download.

Thank you!

Posted By

on 2001-04-17
 40-track 1541 format?

Can anyone tell me how to format a 1541 disk to 40 tracks instead of 35? I can use any combination of: Plus/4 with 1541 or 1541-II, or a 128D in either 64 or 128 mode with the built-in 1571, or with the aforementioned 1541 or 1541-II.

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