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Posted By

on 2005-08-10
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Demo uploaded, whe reached the EEEEEEEND!

Hope you'll reward our global efforts with your kind interest and a benevolent behaviour.
We spent lotta time and work in it you can't imagine, but we enjoyed any single moment of this project.

Congrats go to DCD/WLS, that had taken the whole stuff on his powerful shoulders, to bubis/RSC, that spreadt useful suggests to everyone, and to Degauss/TEK, that lose his best nights with me in order to code like hell! happy
Congrats go to any of the participants, that allowed to build up this cooperation megademo with their skill and passion.
Congrats go to all the audience, that pushed us to effort any kind of problem in order to achieve the final result!

Thanks to you all, mates. Feel free to flood us with your comments, positive negative or whatever, on the new thread!

Seeya in Crackers Demo 5!!

Posted By

on 2005-08-10
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread


Posted By

on 2005-08-10
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Just upload it on rulez then. I have to leave for work and it takes me over an hour to get there. I'll put it up on Plus/4 World when I can.

Posted By

on 2005-08-10
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Ready in few dozen minutes, testing now the final version! wink

Posted By

on 2005-08-10
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Hey, Luca!

It's tomorrow, and I can't see the demo...


Posted By

on 2005-08-09
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

We hoped to finish it tonight, but we must wait few hours yet.
Good, I'll have much more time to test it. Btw side1 is now ready and perfect...

Seeya tomorrow, for the official release! wink

Posted By

on 2005-08-09
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

The man want demo now!

Posted By

on 2005-08-09
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

"Ingo elkezdett kodolni egy uj effektet, nem arulok el tobbet" !?!?.

"Ingo started to code a new effect, I won't tell you more"

Posted By

on 2005-08-08
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

LOL! Ingo, did you see the results?
Yeah, mustabelieeeve! There were results too! And nobody asked us to vote! happy

Posted By

on 2005-08-08
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Hi there!

I'm back aswell. The trip back to germany was really devilish: Due to my bad planning, i had to stay one more day and had to get me a hotel room. To my surprise, i could convince the TV in the hotelroom to display my plus4-screen so i could finish the effect i started to code at the party wink BTW: what the f*** means: "Ingo elkezdett kodolni egy uj effektet, nem arulok el tobbet" !?!?.

Back in germany i missed a train so my trip took about 16 Hours. Aargh!

The party itself was very nice and in the end i feel NO remorse that i took this long ride. I have to admit that i also was a bit disappointed that our work was not valued in the way i expected (in other words: in my opinion the chorus-demo was in every aspect a silent fart compared to our community work wink). but the positive feeling definetly outweighs. We had very nice talks and received big hospitality - especially from poison. It was also a great thing to REALLY talk and meet other plus4-sceners.

Posted By

on 2005-08-08
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Good job guys!
I think we all have to thank Luca, DCD, Murphy, Bubis, GAIA, ATI and all others I forgot for their efforts in this cooperation demo and for representing the plussy community on this party!

Posted By

on 2005-08-08
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Ooooook, I'm just back from Ajka (and musta sleep!).

We did it...partially!
Yeah, the demo we'd shown at the party was not a 100% version: apart some little bugs (like the clashes in the DCD part's logo, or the fact that Csabo's part, though changed in the last minute, still has the TEDsound bug when selected by partselector), the most important lack was the W-Man's part. That's because Murphy had only time to finish his own.
The show itself was unfortunately ravaged by difficult in connecting SIDcard cause the unfair jack that organizers gave us, often no TEDsound (Csabooo!) and no hidden feature (and not one logo from those stored into my part too! wink) was shown.
No bad, anyway, the party releases were really few ones, let imagine that "music compo" had seen 2 tunes, mine and Vincenzo's!!
Also, the audience was composed for the largest slice by group's mates, groupies and groupies'girlfriends, hence it seemed not the case to wait for an analysis of the feedback we received.
...and some others bad factors I don't wanna reveal here too...

All of us, btw are very happy for this, the coopdemo had a good effect on your ego when watched in maxi dimensions happy ATI waited with us too, hanging on during the dead times, I'm with you guy wink

Hence, plz, give the last useful days to us, in order to present you the 100% version, we only have to wait for Murphy's work on W-Man's part.

Thanks again for your patience.

Posted By

on 2005-08-07
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

I would say enough of the crossfingering, let begin the sending of the demo.

Posted By

on 2005-08-04
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

I really said 16 parts?

I would say 17!! 17 parts! happy

Posted By

on 2005-08-04
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread


Posted By

on 2005-08-03
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Ok. Though DCD is still fighting against some bugs, we can be almost sure we'll see this demo on the Arok's widescreen. wink

Then let begin writing some data:
- 16 individual parts in 2 sides (+bonus)
- irqloader with music
- intro, turndisk, endcredits part
- ??? wink

You have to wait few days only!

Posted By

on 2005-08-03
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Come to the Arok party, and then u can be among the choosen few who will first watch it. :D

Posted By

on 2005-08-03
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Can't wait to see the CRACKERS' DEMO IV ! I mean WOW, this is going to be something guys!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By

on 2005-08-02
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Do you wanna know how difficult is to organize a coopdemo? happy

Now is 4:00 AM! As we suspected some hours before, this night had been a memorable one!
bubis, as you had read before, finished his part. Degauss also finished the end credits part (well, we should written the credits,yeah, we know...but the part is there!). Magervalp had to release a simpler version of his part cause he had no time to search for bugs (he'll attend the Little Computer People party, hold exactly the same days of Arok Party), but he's in too!

Now: I checked Murphy's stuff. He has a cool effect by him, and a very cute part from WMan. The latter has to be graphically touched a bit, and also awaits for a music, he can manage it... About his own part, btw, he would complete it, having his reasons, offering us the very last issue of the coopdemo's making of! happy


Posted By

on 2005-08-02
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Huhh, manadged to finish my part! happy Hope u will enjoy it! happy

Posted By

on 2005-08-02
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Ok, Italy should burn in a fireball!
I tried to buy train ticket to go at Arok, but the desk has closed without serving all the rest of ppl in the row! I'd never seen it before! Let's try tomorrow!!

Me, bubis and Dr.Death are working hard. We know that is the same for DCD.
Magervalp sent his own part!! Ooohhhh!! happy And I bounced it to DCD too. No news about Murphy after that he's returned, but DCD should know more I guess wink

It will be another loooong night online and on+4, hang ooooon!

Posted By

on 2005-08-02
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Yesssss, i wanne say something.............. i can't wait to see it!!!

Posted By

on 2005-08-02
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Complete stalling!
Today would be THE DAY: MagerValp should entry his part, Murphy contacted DCD (finally!), bubis should finish his part...
Well, at the moment...absolutely no news. Yes, you read correct: NO NEWS! Scaring!
I hope in the next hours.

Gaia said that no improving will be added in the loader, Dr.Death has to change intro part we did days before, in order to merge it with DCD's initial loader source; but me and Dr.death also started to code and endcredits part!! All those jobs left my irqloader music at 1 (!) jingle composed yet, hence no I have few dozen hours in order to fill memory with other jingles.

The only bug we have to solve is the residual TED sound that the irqloader activates after Csabo's part. We also have to adjust part selector's keystrokes. The rest is ok.

Well, ppl, seems we're pointing to an happy end! Does somebody wanna say something? wink

Posted By

on 2005-07-31
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

rambones music finished! That means, tuesday MagerValp will be able to send his part in, and the same date we know about bubis'last version.
No news from the Gentlemen, unfortunately

Me and Degauss had discovered to sparkling when talking: the turndisk part is finished and ready, but now we also have a liiiittle siiiimple intro pic part, a sort of title screen for the demo.
Though all this, I started to compose (finally!) the irqloader's jingles, that will be added in the main prg.

The best news come from DCD: after some chitchats, he solved all the bugs between parts, loader, part selector, zeropages, whatever! All the stuff simply...works! happy
Now we're waiting for Gaia's speedup feature, in order to have new uncanny bugs! wink

Posted By

on 2005-07-30
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

@Ulysses: probably some big bouncers will check your moves when using internet wink

Posted By

on 2005-07-28
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

>DCD reminds that no PCs are allowed at Arok

but UTP cable and switches/routers are allowed for the internet access, says here. Clarification, perhaps? wink

Posted By

on 2005-07-28
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

DCD reminds that no PCs are allowed at Arok, hence the demo can't be linked "live". So please, send your part before!

Posted By

on 2005-07-27
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Gentlemen Software mystery revealed!
Finally some news from Murphy and W-Man: The latter asked for a new logo to Murphy, but, since Murphy is in Spain or, in general, he's vanished, he's guilty of blocking two demoparts!
Murphy! Where are you? But...wait! Murphy also ensured his participation to Singular Crew's Arok Party, the place where our coopdemo will be released! He will surely here, and maybe that's the cause he has no hurry!
I only supposed...

Ok, Magervalp's part is ready, and rambones should finish the music during the next hours.
Demo linking is a continue source of bugs and bugfixing: at the moment, the part selector acts in a very weird way, but now all the ppl had corrected their parts, no bugs in the parts themselves!. ATI too, fought and wons against a mysterious yellow dot! The only nasty one is Csabo's part: thought changed,on the real machine any further loading attempt wil be freezed after Csabo's part running! All the other participants (me too!) realized that they hadn't set their zeropage initial values, whereas the part selector use them! But now, as I said, all issues are gone! wink

Finally I started to compose, after all the gfx contributions: I started (and almost finished) a very short tune for the turndisk part, and the turndisk part should be easy to finish, when degauss wakes up! happy He had lotta work, poor dude, he has his reasons...

Well, Britelite is occupied at ASM05 party, but if he will coordinates with our own times, maybe he'll convert another great 4k demo for the coopdemo...we'll see...
bubis had vanished, maybe he's very busy at the moment, but his part was almost ready too.

Guess I have forgotten nothing...

Posted By

on 2005-07-25
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Ppl, time is really ticking out!
In facts, I'd begun to test the real stuff on the real machine! And, yes, we have few issues to be solved, but the rest runs good!
At the moment, the most problematic stuff is the part selector, that, though very simple, acts completely different comparing YAPE and real machine.

While waiting for parts from Murphy (dunno, but we know he did it) and MagerValp (we simply awaits the music from rambones), Degauss is coding a turndisk part, on a very simple idea we developed, with gfx by Chronos and some additional gfx by me.

All the problems with Csabo's part had been solved! Now we only had to exchange older versions with slightly corrected/improved versions from bubis (had to refine), Degauss (we just had got them) and Csio (and we just got it too!).
I'll compose irqloader music, hoping that there will be news about irqloader's speedup issue by Gaia; I also wanna compose something veeeeery short for the turndisk part too.

Posted By

on 2005-07-22
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Ooooh, some fresh news you must know, cause we are in the very last days in order to make it become real, and set up and organize the demo becomes harder and difficult day by day...but cool too! wink

If you have some additional news, don't wait a second more, tell us!

- as you read upward, bubis/RSC's part is 95% complete, but other obscure features could be added yet... wink
- Haegar/SYN sent his part, before go surfing in the weekend! Great, dude!
- Csio/ACE and Degauss/TEK (aka Dr.Death!) are improving their own parts, cleaning some bad features;
- a very light part selector will be added too, in order to have a relaxing navigation of the demo;
- Luca/FIRE finally finished gfx for MagerValp/MM, that now can enjoy a weekend of vacation outside home, but with his laptop in order to finish his part! Now Luca can dedicate himself to the irqloader's tune(s)!
- after he did the gfx for Csio's part, Chronos/ACE will draw a "turndisk" graphics in this weekend; he also will prepare a cool diskcover!
- TLT's part is here! Unfortunately, it overcomes the memory limits ($E000, do you remember?), then it will be sprad as bonus stuff in the demo.
- we have no news about Murphy/GS and W-Man/GS: as for the former, the latter too seems to be claimed to have coded a part...we'll see!
- ...and no news about the nasty difficulties with Csabo/LOD's part and the irqloader, the case in under deep stuidies...

Posted By

on 2005-07-22
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread


My part is 95% ready. It is in linkable state now, I just have to make some fadeout at the end. Sorry, but it seems that I don't have any free mem for greetings or other text in this demo part. happy

Posted By

on 2005-07-21
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

The problem is: when he'll come back?
And what about the W-Man's part? We'd understood that another part popped out...
TLT's part finally arrived, thanks to TLT that sent it again, and Lavina who contacted him.

Bionic's part is a hard core stuff, hence it's not easy to code; he tried porting all the necessary code on YAPE, but it doesn't work, hence you can't continue to code in the office, e.g.... Yesterday I drew something easy in half an hour for him, we hope in...everything.

Posted By

on 2005-07-21
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Well, Murphy is in Spain now, and had not finished his part until Sunday when we last contacted on ICQ. He told me that he may finish it on his vacation if somebody has a laptop in the group...

Posted By

on 2005-07-20
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

It currently seems fairly unlikely that I will have time to finish my part. As I will move to the US for a while from beginning of september and I will be on a long trip at the beginning of august. Lots of things to prepare and finish..

Well, maybe we can do an XMAS-Demo with all the unfinished parts happy

Posted By

on 2005-07-20
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

No Attila, We haven't receivede his part yet.
W-Man part? Do you mean another one or the same Murphy's part?

Posted By

on 2005-07-20
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Murphy made a cool effect before his vacation. It is ready? I don't know... And was a nice part from W-man!!!

Posted By

on 2005-07-19
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Csio/Absence entered his demopart with gfx by Chronos/Absence.
Luca/FIRE started to draw for MagerValp's part, while the famous c64 composer rambones/Ancients will do the tune.
bubis/RSC is retouching his entry, and also fight on the loader front.
Dr.Death/TEK repaired the spacebar mistake in his 2nd part.
Murphy/GS should be in Spain in vacation, no news about.
TLT's part is still lost in hungarian snailmail.
Lavina debugged his demopart.

Also, Lavina could try to contact ppl via phonecalls. You all, say thanks to him, cause his time and money.

Posted By

on 2005-07-18
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Some important facts, notes, news.

TLT: your part had been probably eaten by snailmail, we haven't got it yet!
MagerValp/MM: we'd found a kind c64 composer for the music, you'll see. I have to draw the bitmap yet!
Bionic/SYN: contact us, hang on! :D
Britelite/DKD: he sent in his part, we hope he'll get time in order to code another one.
Csabo/LOD:his part is in! Though, seems that it was the only part to be allergic to our loader happy We'll see, we'll see...
Csio/ACE: fresh news tomorrow, I heard...
Murphy/GS: heyheyhey, where are you, maestro, are you coding in the dark? wink
Mermaid/CTR: very sad not to see you in, probably you wait for a new 16K compo, in order to release your C16 stuff; I'll wait with you, hopefully! happy
Rachy/MX: a 20 years +4 demo without you is a very sad thing, hope you won't miss in the future. wink
Unreal/MX: left alone by Methabolix'members, I hope in a "turn disk" picture or logo from you, cause you are one of the historical +4 graphicians!
Moldi: I tried to contact you with all the ways, but I failed I see...

Posted By

on 2005-07-18
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Please contact us (me or DCD) personally, in order to manage together these few useful days!!

Posted By

on 2005-07-17
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

contact us personally, I know you needed few days only in order to finish your part, we may coordinate our actions, e.g. like for MagerValp.

Posted By

on 2005-07-17
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

OK, looks like I did not manage to finish my part in time. I will try to release it as a seperate demo sometime..

Posted By

on 2005-07-16
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

I only started to code, but the effects what I figured out was far too slow.
So I gave up, I don't want to "just put something together".

Posted By

on 2005-07-16
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

haha yeah, I will try to finally put my part together this weekend. Otherwhise I will release it separately once I find some free time again. I am still missing music, but I guess I will use some ripped one then - like in the old days..

Posted By

on 2005-07-15
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Would someone here be interested in contributing music to my part? Ideally it'd be a cover of the Stargate SG-1 theme song, but anything goes really...

Posted By

on 2005-07-15
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

For those who are interested in the final release date... Just got a short email from DCD. He said he got my part, and he will link it over the weekend. If there's any problems (hopefully there won't be), he'll contact me on Monday. So we're looking at the 18th the earliest, but that's not "official".

Posted By

on 2005-07-15
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

The code for my part is pretty much done. I need the final version of the graphics from Luca, and I'm also missing music. Oh, and the scrolltext needs to be finished... happy

Posted By

on 2005-07-15
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

I actually sent in mine yesterday (14th), but maybe after Luca posted the above list.

Posted By

on 2005-07-15
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

the muthercruncher-time kicking again with me,cause i have a 95%part, only the fade out must to code, but the date is end and i must to go to f*kwork........
i need 2 days or dcs help.....

Posted By

on 2005-07-15
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Why, Rachy? How much time do you need?

Posted By

on 2005-07-15
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Sorry dudez, it seems not this time.

Posted By

on 2005-07-14
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

One day only to the final date!
The demo must be ready in order to be officially presented at Arok Party, that will be held the 5th of August. DCD must have the time to link all the parts, and, in the same time, avoid to forget a family happy

Please, it's time to communicate!
Tell us if you need time, graphics, peanuts, music, we need to know it!

: Summary :: 2005.July.14 ::
:: official deadline :: 2005.July.15 ::
- ready parts from: Luca/FIRE, DCD/WLS, TBH/TDC, Skoro/ASN, ATI/GS, Dr.Death/TEK (1), Dr.Death/TEK (2), TLT (waiting for snailmail), Lavina+Harry/GOTU, Larry/WLS, bubis/RSC
- parts linking situation: no news
- we're waiting for: Murphy/GS, Csio+Chronos/ACE, Bionic/SYN, Csabo/LOD, Methabolix, Britelite/DKD, MagerValp/MM (Luca must draw the bitmap), Synergy

Posted By

on 2005-07-05
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

When will this be assembled? happy Sorry i'm totally into shareware business :]

Posted By

on 2005-07-03
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread


Yo Lavina:
The txt on my site is sum months old, I think I'll have 2 fresh it up.
It was the best Wave-Conv, that I knew that time wink)) or did I really turn over sum letters? Maybe really TLC???
Ya read my page and make no guestbook-entry? ((((

Stay cool!!


Posted By

on 2005-06-30
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Official Deadline!!
No time to waste now! Forget all the rest, and complete your part!

:: Summary :: 2005.June.30 ::
:: official deadline :: 2005.July.15 ::
- ready parts from: Luca/FIRE, DCD/WLS, TBH/TDC, Skoro/ASN, ATI/GS, Dr.Death/Tek, TLT
- documented advancing: Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC, Bionic/SYN, MagerValp/MM
- parts linking situation:
- we're waiting for: Murphy/GS (he said his part is almost complete!), Csio+Chronos/ACE, Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC, Larry/WLS, Bionic/SYN, Csabo/LOD, Methabolix, Britelite/DKD, MagerValp/MM
- the maybe list: BSZ/NST, Crown/GOTU, Vortexion/Wearite, Elder+Haegar/SYN(contacted finally), SVS/FIRE+Nightbird, Mermaid/CTR
- don't say a word yet: Moldi/ACE...
- won't take part: MC/EDC, TMR/C0S, TLC/CNS, Gaia/LOD, Crown/GOTU

Posted By

on 2005-06-30
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread


Hey Nukem! I was reading your homepage, and in the retro section you made some mistakes:

1) The best wave converter is not made by "TCL", but "TLC" happy
2) " there are still several active plussy coders, sadly not one of the "olds" ". YES THERE ARE. happy

It's all...


Posted By

on 2005-06-26
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread


Posted By

on 2005-06-26
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread


Posted By

on 2005-06-26
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

I know - was just an idea of a tired, old man.

Posted By

on 2005-06-25
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

@nukem: not bad, but Lavina would give it a continuity's feature to this coopdemo (you know, there were three previous coopdemos with that name...)

Posted By

on 2005-06-25
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Lavina wrote:
I strongly suggest to name the project: C R A C K E R S' D E M O I V : The 20th Anniversary...

Yeah! Or whattabout: "CODERS-ALLSTARS" ?

Posted By

on 2005-06-23
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

I think you can put Crown to the won't take part row.... :-/

Posted By

on 2005-06-21
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Hey DCD, this guy seems to be quite right, wadda you say? wink

Posted By

on 2005-06-21
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

As the participant list grows day by day, I strongly suggest to name the project:

C R A C K E R S' D E M O I V : The 20th Anniversary

This would prevent confusion with previously released "20 years +4" and similar titles, and also raise the "reputation", glory, and expectations concerning our common release.

Posted By

on 2005-06-20
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Brand new joiners!
And for me, brand new jobs to take on objective
Crown had got logo and music, like transferring money on a bank account: we hope he'll get spare time to do money grew up wink
Dr.Death/TEK got lotta undone work cause coding, and now he has to recover lost time happy But the part is now almost perect, after many additional touches that a kewl dude suggested to him wink
Britelite/DKD will convert and improve some effects previously shown on c64's 4k demos. MagerValp/MM is working too (documented!). Mermaid/CTR...we'll see, we hope, we wish.
Lavina/GOTU is coding hard. Bionicm step by step, is in front of his +4, deciding what must stay on the screen. Murphy/GS, Chronos and CSIO are going to touchdown, and Csabo/LOD and Methabolix should be into too.
The Elder had success in contacting Haegar, who should have some unreleased effects, that can be used here, we'll see.
last but not least, I hope in unseen surprises... happy

:: Summary :: 2005.June.20 ::
:: unofficial deadline :: 2005.July.01 ::
- ready parts from: Luca/FIRE, DCD/WLS, TBH/TDC, Skoro/ASN, ATI/GS, Dr.Death/Tek, TLT
- documented advancing: Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC, Bionic/SYN, MagerValp/MM
- parts linking situation: new jobs to do for somebody, the irqloader music still stands
- we're waiting for: Murphy/GS (he said his part is almost complete!), Csio+Chronos/ACE(85% done!), Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC, Bionic/SYN, Csabo/LOD, Methabolix, Britelite/DKD, MagerValp/MM
- the maybe list: BSZ/NST, Crown/GOTU, Vortexion/Wearite, Elder+Haegar/SYN(contacted finally), SVS/FIRE+Nightbird, Mermaid/CTR
- don't say a word yet: Larry/WLS, Moldi/ACE, etc...
- won't take part: MC/EDC, TMR/C0S, TLC/CNS, Gaia/LOD

Posted By

on 2005-06-15
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

:: Summary :: 2005.June.15 ::
:: unofficial deadline :: 2005.July.01 ::
- ready parts from: Luca/FIRE, DCD/WLS, TBH/TDC, Skoro/ASN, ATI/GS, Dr.Death/Tek, TLT
- documented advancing: Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC, Bionic/SYN
- parts linking situation: Luca started thinking about the music
- we're waiting for: Murphy/GS (he said his part is almost complete!), Csio+Chronos/ACE(85% done!), Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC, Bionic/SYN, Csabo/LOD, SVS/FIRE+Nightbird, Methabolix
- the maybe list: Britelite/DKD, BSZ/NST, Crown/GOTU, Vortexion/Wearite, Elder+Haegar(+Marco Polo)/SYN(we hadn't got success in contact Haegar!!)
- don't say a word yet: Mermaid/CTR, Larry/WLS, Moldi/ACE, etc...
- won't take part: MC/EDC, TMR/C0S, TLC/CNS, Gaia/LOD

Posted By

on 2005-06-14
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Oooh, great, those are the words I like!

About me, there's a great guy that received a fantastic logo from an hungarian graphician, and he will also receive the music that he likes, done by me and finished just now! wink
Unfortunately, this marvellous scener is badly badly busy at the moment, but we're killing sheeps in sacrifice and pray all the days that he will find spare time to code! happy

Lotta efforts had been for the irqloader, and someone had candidates himself for a turndisk part, we'll see...

Other misterious shadows moves in the dark, can't talk...

No news from Murphy, hope he's going , and most of all, no one had contacted Moldi! I'll bother him again via email, after I sent him some sms.

hang on, dudes!

Posted By

on 2005-06-14
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

OK, We (Krona and me) have a 85%done part and we are just glad for the new date, cause we can polish the poor code just a little bit.
Krona made a cool gfx again and i founded a cool muzak,
so dont be lazy
code that crazy!

Posted By

on 2005-06-14
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

The deadline, still unofficial, moves with your needings!
At least, until we announce an official one...
Oh, don't loose time in front of this post, let's code! wink

Posted By

on 2005-06-14
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Woohoo! New deadline? Then maybe... I recently talked with UnReal... wink

Posted By

on 2005-06-13
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

:: Summary :: 2005.June.13 ::
:: unofficial deadline :: 2005.July.01 :: <- brand new one!
- ready parts from: Luca/FIRE, DCD/WLS, TBH/TDC, Skoro/ASN, ATI/GS, Dr.Death/Tek, TLT(is coming via snailmail)
- documented advancing: Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC, Bionic/SYN
- parts linking situation: waiting for some files that ppl announced me...dunno...
- we're waiting for: Murphy/GS, Csio/ACE, Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC, Bionic/SYN, Csabo/LOD, SVS/FIRE+Nightbird
- the maybe list: BSZ/NST, Crown/GOTU, Unreal+TheBeast/MX, Vortexion/Wearite, Elder+Haegar(+Marco Polo)/SYN(we hadn't got success in contact Haegar!!)
- don't say a word yet: Mermaid/CTR, Larry/WLS, Moldi/ACE, Chronos/ACE etc...
- won't take part: MC/EDC, TMR/C0S, TLC/CNS, Rachy/MX, Siz/TBC, Gaia/LOD

Posted By

on 2005-06-08
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Being more precise, did you see ppl climbing or falling down in the summary? wink ...

:: Summary :: 2005.June.08 (23:59) ::
:: unofficial deadline :: 2005.June.15 ::
- ready parts from: Luca/FIRE, DCD/WLS, TBH/TDC(improving), Skoro/ASN, ATI/GS, Dr.Death/Tek(improving)
- documented advancing: Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC
- parts linking situation: no news
- we're waiting for: TLT, Murphy/GS, Csio/ACE, Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC, Bionic/SYN, Csabo/LOD, SVS/FIRE+Nightbird
- the maybe list: BSZ/NST, Crown/GOTU, Unreal+TheBeast/MX, Vortexion/Wearite, Elder+Haegar(+Marco Polo)/SYN
- don't say a word yet: Mermaid/CTR, Larry/WLS, Moldi/ACE, Chronos/ACE etc...
- won't take part: MC/EDC, TMR/C0S, TLC/CNS, Rachy/MX, Siz/TBC, Gaia/LOD

Posted By

on 2005-06-08
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

- to read the few rules in order to take part of;
- to not mind the deadline, it's unofficial yet, we'll wait for you;
- better present with a simple part that missing with supersonic vapourware.

:: Summary :: 2005.June.08 ::
:: unofficial deadline :: 2005.June.15 ::
- ready parts from: Luca/FIRE, DCD/WLS, TBH/TDC(improving), Skoro/ASN, ATI/GS, Dr.Death/Tek(improving)
- documented advancing: Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC
- parts linking situation: no news
- we're waiting for: TLT, Murphy/GS, Csio/ACE, Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC, Bionic/SYN, Csabo/LOD
- the maybe list: BSZ/NST, Crown/GOTU, Methabolix, Vortexion/Wearite, Elder+Haegar(+Marco Polo)/SYN
- don't say a word yet: Mermaid/CTR, Larry/WLS etc...
- won't take part: MC/EDC, SVS/FIRE, TMR/C0S, TLC/CNS, Rachy/MX, Siz/TBC, Gaia/LOD

Posted By

on 2005-06-05
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Csabo's totally right! happy
Rachy, there had been ppl that had slightly improved previously released parts in order to be there, and watch me in the face, be honest: how many other possibilities we'll have to enter a coopdemo like this? wink

little shame, never lame!

Posted By

on 2005-06-05
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Rachy, out of time? You could say that on the 15th, but you're not out of time yet! Come on wink We're all tired. I'm tired too. I've just started working on my part. It's going to be nothing exciting unfortunately, but it will represent LOD.

Posted By

on 2005-06-05
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

About my work:
my part is ready since days and days; so, I'm still workin'around the gfx work for MisterY: it is a very hard one, but the results push me to finish it (and I'm very close!); MisterW now has his music; it remains the irq loader music stuff.
But there is also a MisterZZ outta there, that asked for a certain tune mooooonths ago, a music that I never finished it wink
It's time to take him in, finishing that tune he loves, am I right...MisterZZ, captain? wink

Posted By

on 2005-06-05
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

:: Summary :: 2005.June.05 ::
:: unofficial deadline :: 2005.June.15 ::
- ready parts from: Luca/FIRE, DCD/WLS, TBH/TDC, Skoro/ASN, ATI/GS, Dr.Death/Tek
- documented advancing: Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC
- parts linking situation: no news
- we're waiting for: TLT, Murphy/GS, Csio/ACE, Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC
- the maybe list: BSZ/NST, Bionic/SYN, Crown/GOTU, Csabo/LOD, Methabolix
- don't say a word yet: Mermaid/CTR, Larry/WLS etc...
- won't take part: MC/EDC, SVS/FIRE, TMR/C0S, TLC/CNS, Rachy/MX

Posted By

on 2005-06-05
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Tried... Sorry.


Posted By

on 2005-06-03
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Ok, tomorrow MisterY will catch the desired pic for his astonishing part. I still have to compose the IRQ loader tune, maybe the tune for MisterW, and maybe maybe a "turn disk" logo.

Posted By

on 2005-06-01
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Unreal/MX is trying to contact Beast/MX in order to take part, though the latter had little spare time.

:: Summary :: 2005.June.01 ::
:: unofficial deadline :: 2005.June.15 ::
- ready parts from: Luca/FIRE, DCD/WLS(85%), TBH/TDC, Skoro/ASN, ATI/GS, Dr.Death/Tek(98%)
- parts linking situation: DCD is waiting for Luca's music and its implementation, but the effect is here; Luca now has larger time and can decide to start a tune instead of another one; maybe we need a "tund disk" part, we accept ideas, graphics and whatever if you can!
- we're waiting for: TLT, Murphy/GS, Csio/ACE, Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC
- the maybe list: BSZ/NST, Bionic/SYN, Crown/GOTU, Csabo/LOD, Methabolix
- don't say a word yet: Rachy/MX, Mermaid/CTR, Larry/WLS etc...
- won't take part: MC/EDC, SVS/FIRE, TMR/C0S, TLC/CNS

Posted By

on 2005-05-31
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

A brand new still unofficial deadline: 2005.June.15!!
If you need more time, don't care, you'll have!

:: Summary :: 2005.may.31 ::
- ready parts from: Luca/FIRE, DCD/WLS(85%), TBH/TDC, Skoro/ASN, ATI/GS, Dr.Death/Tek(98%)
- parts linking situation: DCD is waiting for Luca's music and its implementation, but the effect is here; Luca now has larger time and can decide to start a tune instead of another one; maybe we need a "tund disk" part, we accept ideas, graphics and whatever if you can!
- we received previews from:
- we're waiting for: TLT, Murphy/GS, Csio/ACE, Lavina/GOTU, bubis/RSC
- the maybe list: BSZ/NST, Bionic/SYN, Crown/GOTU, Csabo/LOD
- don't say a word yet: Rachy/MX, Mermaid/CTR, Larry/WLS etc...
- won't take part: MC/EDC, SVS/FIRE, TMR/C0S, TLC/CNS

Posted By

on 2005-05-30
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread


nukem is waiting curiously 4 da demo!!!

Posted By

on 2005-05-30
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Ok, I can announce that the deadline will be postponed, DCD will communicate the final date tomorrow. Hence: if you haven't sent your part yet, take your time! And if you'd just sent it in, improve your part if you want!

:: Summary :: 2005.may.30 ::
- ready parts from: Luca/FIRE, DCD/WLS, TBH/TDC, Skoro/ASN, ATI/GS
- parts linking situation: DCD is waiting for Luca's music and its implementation, but the effect is here; Luca now has larger time and can decide to start a tune instead of another one
- we're waiting for: TLT, Dr.Death/TEK, Murphy/GS, Csio/ACE, bubis/RSC, Lavina/GOTU
- ppl that needs time: Csabo/LOD, BSZ/NST, Bionic/SYN, Crown/GOTU
- don't say a word yet: , TLC/CNS, Rachy/MX, Mermaid/CTR, Larry/WLS
- won't take part: MC/EDC, SVS/FIRE, TMR/C0S

Posted By

on 2005-05-29
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

:: Summary :: 2005.may.29 ::
- ready parts from: Luca/FIRE, DCD/WLS, TBH/TDC, Skoro/ASN, ATI/GS
- parts linking situation: DCD is waiting for Luca's music and its implementation, but the effect is here; Luca will load his SIDwinder tomorrow
- we're waiting for: TLT, Dr.Death/TEK, Murphy/GS, Csio/ACE, bubis/RSC
- ppl that needs time: Csabo/LOD, BSZ/NST
- don't say a word yet: Lavina/GOTU, TLC/CNS, Bionic/SYN, Rachy/MX, Mermaid/CTR, Larry/WLS
- won't take part: MC/EDC, SVS/FIRE, TMR/C0S

Posted By

on 2005-05-29
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

I guess you did well wink

Posted By

on 2005-05-29
 Re: [20 Years +4] Official thread

Hi, Luca,

errhm, short lamer-question:

STA $FF3F or STA $FF3E before JMP $FCFD?

I did $FF3F in my demopart. tell me if I have 2 change it.

Tschö, Marcus!

Posted By

on 2005-05-28
 [20 Years +4] Official thread

This thread will follow the making of the "20 Years +4" cooperation megademo.

- All the sceners are called to contribute with demoparts, graphics, music, whatever.
- DCD/WLS is the official master of ceremonies of this project; he decides times and spaces, you can contact him via email (in his datalink) or via ICQ (79402253).
- bubis/RSC (ICQ: 24418272; skype:andras.dotsch) and Luca/FIRE (ICQ: 265697750; skype:kekule1025)offered their additional assistance; feel free to contact them when you need.
- DCD decided a preliminar deadline: 2005.may.31; for what we know at the moment, you should send us your stuff before june; please, if you need more time, communicate us your prefer dateline!

:: You need few easy data in order to take part:
- don't use memory above $E000, reserved for IRQ loader routine;
- leave your part uncompressed, DCD will do;
- at the end of your part, JMP$FCFD;

:: We feel to suggest you:
- set up all used ted registers in your part, dont assume they have the default values.
for example, its not sure that $FF14 will have the value of $08, when your part gets called;
- try to organize all the executed code into IRQ routines if you don't use all the available memory: in this way, we may in case adapt demoparts to the IRQ loader in order to optimize loadings; think about this if you contribute with multiple parts;
- "press-space" demopart or "synchro-ending one"? decide by yourself, but remember, it's a coopdemo, e.g. no global music, use your own;
- take part with your brand new demo, or recycle (and improve) an older part you did before, or invent something alternative (e.g., a handdrawn diskcover...), but be present: better than silent!

:: Summary :: 2005.may.28 ::
- ready parts from: Luca/FIRE, DCD/WLS, TBH/TDC, Skoro/ASN, ATI/GS
- parts linking situation: DCD reached a good point, Luca must begin to compose a music
- we're waiting for: TLT, Dr.Death/TEK, Murphy/GS, Csio/ACE, bubis/RSC
- ppl that needs time: Csabo/LOD, BSZ/NST
- could totally surprise us: Lavina/GOTU, Crown/GOTU, TLC/CNS, Bionic/SYN and many many others, unfortunately; please, guys, let's talk about
- won't take part: MC/EDC

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