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Posted By

on 2004-12-22
 Re: A joke ???

Well, IMHO, if someone's going to buy this CD then he well deserves this wink .

On a corresponding proposition, though... what do _you_ guys think of making such CD backups of the archives? For example, Marko (maintainer of funet.fi's Commodore archive) has created and spread such cd's of the funet.fi /pub/cbm and /pub/cpm structure a few years ago. Personally speaking, it was of great help for me since it saved me time and bandwidth. Well, back then (even 1-2 years ago) bandwidth has been an issue; today (at least for me) it really isn't. Still, I'd be more comfortable with the ability to have a snapshot, a static archive of the material organized/hosted by p4w.

(I don't mean some kind of "online" cd ordering and the fluff like that. Not even the funet cd's were sold such way; Marko offered those in relatively small numbers, and we solved the "problem" of spreading them locally. I also copied them and sent to people who asked, for just the costs of material and postaging).

Posted By

on 2004-12-20
 Re: A joke ???

Its not our work, but our doing for putting a face on the Plus/4....... for the right reasons of course. C16/Plus4 was so far behind that now we've cought up with the other computers things like this are starting to show up more and more.

Yeah its sad, more so to see Yape being abused but what can you do... It does show you that Yape is so good now that people are willing to try it on because its as close to the real thing as you could ever hope for. As long as all the info's are intact such as the ones found with Yape then that may spread the word of the scene and also show people this guy is a w@nker at the same time haha! wink

Posted By

on 2004-12-20
 Re: A joke ???

Not to mention..... this CD may violate copyrights. While the webmasters of the various sites have taken care to (attempt to) gain clearance for downloads, we did not ask for permission to distribute on Ebay or duplicate for resale.

I don't know about over there, but here in US, when I attempt to buy a software or video on Ebay, a screen comes up warning me of the possibility of copyright infringement. If I were to purchase something with the full knowledge of it not being authentic or licensed, I can be held liable in court.

OK, enough pocket change on this subject.

Posted By

on 2004-12-20
 Re: A joke ???

Such an activity should be frowned upon. This person has taken Atilla's YAPE emulator, version 0.60, and packaged it with games freely available for download from this site as well as several others.

An enterprising young man did that here in the States as well, announced his "efforts" in comp.sys.cbm, and was laughed out for trying to profit from the hard work of others.

If you're on a dial-up connection and don't want to hunt down all those games, go ahead and order. But if you respect the work that Csabo, Lando, and all of the other archivers and webmasters have done, steer clear of this.

Just my two pence on this matter. wink

Posted By

on 2004-12-20
 A joke ???

Please take a look at this auction and tell me what you think/mean:
Commodore C16 Plus4 Emulator

Nice idea...! wink

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