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Posted By

on 2004-08-25
 Re: "Disk Doctor"?

... and after James and Gaia replies, I only have to add:
My work "DiskFind" is able to search for a string of text or even a group of hex codes, and if found them, supplies you with the file which these data are belonging happy
I don't know if C64 SW is able so, anyway what is the use of know only the tk/sector?

Posted By

on 2004-08-25
 Re: "Disk Doctor"?

James, I honestly don't think that your post needs editing. I for one totally agree with you.

On the subject of this topic: one could just grab a hex editor on a PC, too happy

Posted By

on 2004-08-25
 Re: "Disk Doctor"?

Paul, if you wanted a C64 program, then why bother a Plus/4 forum? C64 SDA's don't work on a Plus/4, in case you did not know. Jim Hehl wrote a version of the SDA algorhythm for the Plus/4 but the resulting file is meant to be USED on a Plus/4, not a C64.

And MAYBE, just POSSIBLY, Commodore Canada (who released the v8411xx version) was instructed by West Chester to NOT delevop their version any further. Anyone who has read any sort of history on Commodore would probably know that Commodore US stopped development on the software for the Plus/4 and C16 not long after the machines were released for sale.

I posted a link to a program that did what you specified, but on a Plus/4. Csabo came later and posted alternate download locations for the same program. I am offended with your "matter of fact" response for a machine that THIS FORUM DOESN'T SUPPORT, and I would venture to guess that SVS, the author of the program I suggested, and Csabo, this website's co-host, are not happy either.

Maybe you would be better served by the comp.sys.cbm newsgroup, rather than here.

I extend my apologies to everyone else reading this thread, but I felt that the originator needed to be told. If the Forum Moderator in Canada wishes to edit or remove my post, he may feel free to do so.

Posted By

on 2004-08-24
 Re: "Disk Doctor"?

Here we go...

Disk Doctor v4.0 (from 1987), with Disk Hunt (string search) feature:


It's a Self-Dissolving Archive, so just run the program and it will dissolve Disk Doctor onto a floppy disk, i.e.:


(you may need to type RUN)

This searches the entire disk for instances of a string or text word, and will show on which Track/Sector instances of the word or phrase shows up.

I'm not sure why this version isn't more available than the seriously outdated Disk Doctor version from 1984.


Posted By

on 2004-08-23
 Re: "Disk Doctor"?

Or from here: DiskFind.

Posted By

on 2004-08-23
 Re: "Disk Doctor"?

Paul, the only version of Disk Doctor I have is v8411xx from November 1984. However SVS has written a program that does what you need, called Disk Find. You can download it from his page on cbm264.com.

Posted By

on 2004-08-23
 "Disk Doctor"?

Does anyone have the latest version of this program (Disk Doctor)?

I need the version where you can search for strings of text throughout
a floppy disk. The earlier versions of Disk Doctor did not include
this Text Hunt feature.


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