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on 2004-07-27
 Re: BASIC Programming Challenge

SVS, your BalSys environment seems impressive, especially for my project, I am all excited about putting it to the test now.

Posted By

on 2004-07-27
 Re: BASIC Programming Challenge

guys, my experience with the retro scene has taught me that these things go through phases. I think the +4 scene is much better than others, it might be going through a dull time right now, but the machine is very loveable and people just need to be inspired to use the machnie again. take me for example I had not touched mine in the last two years.

Now I have a daughter 2 years old and she loves model trains and computers, so I decided to build her a model railway with some big buttons that she can press and make the model behave in diffrent ways.

I could have done the project on an ibm pc but where is the fun or challenge in that? I could have used a microcontroller but that is just too obvious, instead I decided to put the +4 to good use again. I will soon setup a website and publish all my work on this project in the hope that it will inspire other people to put there +4 back to use again

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on 2004-07-27
 Re: BASIC Programming Challenge

--> +4Man:
>> SVS, I have not had a chance to use your new programming language, will it help me program the userport? in any case how can I download it?
You will be surprised about what BalSys can do in this kind of things! (...but also in other ones).
I'll be glad to supply you with any further info or suggestion you need.

Posted By

on 2004-07-27
 Re: BASIC Programming Challenge

+4Man, SVS was of course talking about BalSys V1.2. If you looked at the news page, it's still there. The scene is in poor shape indeed. This and the reasons surrounding the BalSys fiasco deserves a topic on its own.

To be absolutely honest, I'm not that interested in Basic programming either. Also, the timing of this compo is clashing with the MiniGame compo.

Posted By

on 2004-07-27
 Re: BASIC Programming Challenge

it's not that I do not like programming anymore. I love my +4 I have lots of them in case one breaks and I love programming as I program for my job. The real problem is time. My next programming challenge on the +4 is to write a program to control a custom userport interface to control a model railway. SVS, I have not had a chance to use your new programming language, will it help me program the userport? in any case how can I download it?

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on 2004-07-27
 Re: BASIC Programming Challenge

T.M.R.: >>Well, some of us are interested in programming but not with BASIC
My work was not in BASIC... then situation is darker than you suppose...

Posted By

on 2004-07-27
 Re: BASIC Programming Challenge

Well, some of us are interested in programming but not with BASIC... got half of Reaxion done on the Plus/4 and Lunar Blitz in final beta for C16 upwards but these things take time and i have other commitments both on other formats and in the "real" world to worry about. i'll get there eventually... =-)

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on 2004-07-27
 Re: BASIC Programming Challenge

Good luck Rob... but I don't think ppl is interesting in programming anymore
Recently I released a 2-years project, and published it with a complete documentation. It allows to program Plus/4 with a new powerful improved language: Well: I had ANY feedback.
It's clear that nowadays ppl is interested in collecting oldies, and not to hard work hitting the keyboard..... (unfortunately) (

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Rob Vonk
on 2004-07-26
 BASIC Programming Challenge

Hi all,

I have set up a new competition called the 'BASIC Programming Challenge' to see who can make the best game using pure BASIC only.

The website is at http://basicchallenge.bravehost.com

Check it out if you like.

Feedback is welcome and encouraged.

Rob Vonk

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