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Posted By

on 2004-07-23
 Re: Plus 4 Advice needed

I can do that as I have my new laptop partitioned with a Fat 32 drive for Linux. I could use that for the XE1541 and then just use a Win 98 boot disk, yay.

Thanks alot.

Posted By

on 2004-07-23
 Re: Plus 4 Advice needed

I think a much better idea for XE1541 + XP problem is to keep an old win98 boot disk at home. You simply boot to dos, and voila, star commander handles everything for you. Of course you have to have a FAT32 HDD also.... happy

Posted By

on 2004-07-23
 Re: Plus 4 Advice needed

I've nearly got all my kit sorted out. Found a old 486 dx100 laptop I can use the XE1541 cable with. Just waiting for delivery of the cable and wow all those games on the original machine :D

Posted By

on 2004-07-22
 Re: Plus 4 Advice needed

It would be easyer to pickup an older PC such as a Pentium 2 running win98se. I would imagine these are very cheap now. Your still have all the power to surf the web etc and you can shut down to DOS and use Star Commander, 64HDD, Mtap and the like.

64HDD is very cool, when running, your PC's harddrive becomes one big floppy disc for your Plus4/C64. You can even load from CD with it. So if your thinking of backing up onto floopy then theres no need. wink

Posted By

on 2004-07-22
 Re: Plus 4 Advice needed

There is some work going on right now to have proper windows versions of cbm4linux for Windows NT systems (NT4, 2000, XP ...), but I guess it will be some time before it will be fully tested and released, tough it actually do work right now.

Posted By

on 2004-07-22
 Re: Plus 4 Advice needed

Really I heard rumors that this cable has problems with *all* the XP modes (even DOS virtual machine). I should be interested on a solution, because soon or later I have to update my PC happy

I've got a 256K Plus4 [Hannes version] that gives me excellent results.
Other unofficial upgrading could be:
- SID card
- 1551 new Rom (840 blocks)

The electrical plans are in c64.rulez.org, I don't think you could find a piece already assembled.

Posted By

on 2004-07-22
 Re: Plus 4 Advice needed

Assuming you will use a 1541/1551 drive, you should use DS/DD 48 TPI 5.25" disks. (Double Sided, Double Density disks with 48 Tracks Per Inch.) Don't use HD (High Density) disks and don't use 96 TPI disks. While both HD and 96 TPI ones *may* work, chances are they will give you problems sooner or later.

Posted By

on 2004-07-21
 Re: Plus 4 Advice needed

oh I forgot something, lol. Do the 5 1/4 floppy disks have to be anything special or will standard ones work?


Posted By

on 2004-07-21
 Plus 4 Advice needed

Hiya all,

I'm wanting to do quite alot with my plus 4 and have arranged for a XE1541 cable to be delivered. Does anyone know if this will work with Windows XP?

Just a few more questions if thats alright?

I would love to upgrade my plus 4 in a few ways, memory, sound and anything else that would benefit the experience. Does anyone know where I can get these items from?

Thanks for reading happy


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