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Posted By

on 2003-12-16
 Re: Cover scans

Yes that's it - another Quellesoft release. I really don't know how much titles Quellesoft had released - I have the three. If somebody knows, please let me know. I also have a few more rare covers. I will scan and send them as soon as possible.

Posted By

on 2003-12-16
 Re: Cover scans

I lie! happy

I see what you mean! "QuelleSoft" under the girl is "Tynesoft" on our other yellow Pogo cover.

Here it is, work in progress and be warned its 1.6meg
Link: Pogo Pete - Tynesoft - Yellow

Posted By

on 2003-12-16
 Re: Cover scans

We do have the same Pogo Pete cover which is on the too do list and its a better version, but thanks!

As for Quiwi from Kingsoft Wow happy Thats another on the too do list! happy

Cheers! happy

Posted By

on 2003-12-16
 Re: Cover scans

Lando, did you get the cover scan of Pogo Pete from QuelleSoft?

Posted By

on 2003-12-14
 Re: Cover scans

Because some people use programmes to scan the net for email addresses and then send unwanted junk mail your way......

Posted By

on 2003-12-14
 Re: Cover scans

and why have you coded mailto:name(AT)domain(DOT)com instead of mailto:name@domain.com anyway??

Posted By

on 2003-12-14
 Re: Cover scans

er without the mailto: bit obviously

Posted By

on 2003-12-14
 Re: Cover scans

I send a cover of Timeslip (of better quality as reqested on timeslip page) to mailto:email address removed

Posted By

on 2003-12-14
 Re: Cover scans

Lando - Csabo I sent you 7 cover - have a look - a lot more to come

Posted By

on 2003-12-10
 Re: Cover scans

Neccy what cover did you send and who did you send it too? See if we can hunt it down. Sorry about that.


Posted By

on 2003-12-10
 Re: Cover scans

The email addresses at the bottom of each page should be fine. Note however that there are a lot of covers in the pipeline already and all cover scans are hand-edited further in Photoshop to look smoother, even and such... happy

Posted By

on 2003-12-10
 Cover scans

I sent in a cover scan a while back , i dont think its been added, maybe i sent it to the wrong place, you dont really state where to send it.... where do I send it to?

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