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Posted By

on 2003-08-22


Posted By

on 2003-08-19

I'd like to second that. I believe the consensus in the Hungarian demoscene was that you (Nukeman) are a great guy. I've yet to meet anyone who would have something negative to say about you. (Can't say the same about Reddi though wink)

Posted By

on 2003-08-19

Welcome back Nuke! We're all glad to hear about you. I hope you're reading this forum.
I never believed that you had made lots of money from the scene happy You sent me a new keyboard, a new power-unit, and a color TV for Maugli. Yep, those were big money, bigger than selling a couple of copies of +4 games.

Posted By

on 2003-08-19

Hi all! Here is a letter I got from Karsten today:
Hey Lavina.....

it's really long time ago.... i can't believe what i
saw and wrote about myself on the plus/4 pages.

it's really a very long story and i like to hear about
all of you, but it was too much for me in the end.
i don't even know where my P4 is !!! i saw my boxes of
disc's a few month ago, when i came back from

i think the last you heard about me was around 1994. i
went to the navy for one year and finished earlier,
because of my played physical illness. meanwhile i was
more interested of selling copy-stations for the SNES
from japan and i had a girlfriend. there was no time
for anything else in the world. i keept on working on
a sightseeing boot for another 2 years, before i went
to the USA and worked as a tourguide for 5 years.
after Sep.11 i went for the same company to australia
and came back to germany in march this year. i have no
job and finally rented a appartement in kiel.
i will stay in germany for a while and would like to
leave again for south america in 2 or 3 years....
that's of cause only the perfect dream.....

what about all that Plus/4 reunion ?? i can't believe
that so many people are still keep on going.....
But there are so many difficulties in the forum i
it look's like everybody thinks, that i ran away with
a lot of money from hungarien programmers and traveled
the world on there cost. That is a big mistake !!!
i never made money for the programms. i really tried
to, but took all my money from the travel-agency and
more ( i didn't had ), bought tv's,P4's and so much
more and gave it to so many people. my account was so
badly woundet and i got more and more programmers from
hungary to sell there programms, but it never worked
out and i don't realised the sinking ship early
enough. all the money for the nukepaper was a waste...
i really liked you guy's and i don't wanted to
disappoint anybody !!! If i read all this it makes me
really sad.....
the other think is, i have still so many pictures from
old party's we had and even videos are still existing.
so, what ever happens..... write to me, or my
appartement is always open for everybody who likes to
visit the north of germany......

Hope to hear from you

Your friend Karsten


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