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Posted By

on 2012-01-17
 Re: +4 GEOS

have you checked if on Yape machine setup is set the "Very High compatibility" option?
I've experienced that it can affect the printing jobs.

Posted By

on 2012-01-17
 Re: +4 GEOS

Thank you for the link! happy It required time to check all GEOS_pack content. I'd found Geo_CO2 (6502 disassembler!), GeoSpell (Spellchecker), notepads, calculators, GeoMath, Fast_AMI (organizes link to Commodore Amiga), GeoVAX (?), Robotron printer (Eastern Germany good quality thing) driver, ... happy However GeoCalc, GeoChart, GeoFile, GeoPublish are not there. Another sad thing, the disk 28A is corrupted.

BTW I've just noted that GEOS uses wider font specifications than modern software! It provide Outline and Reversed font modification in addition to "standard" bold, italic, and underlined. Wow!

Posted By

on 2012-01-14
 Re: +4 GEOS

www.commodore16.com also have a lot of info about GEOS +4. have look under C16/+4 software.

Posted By

on 2012-01-14
 Re: +4 GEOS

You mean have a look, because you know it's there, or you mean it might be there? I looked and could only find two files with "calc" in the name (hexCalc, on 28B and 29B).

The programs GEOS don't run by themselves, do they? Should we catalog them somehow? If we don't create a program entry for each, perhaps they could be listed on the GEOS page.

Posted By

on 2012-01-14
 Re: +4 GEOS

Have a look here.

Posted By

on 2012-01-13
 +4 GEOS

Is it possible to obtain GeoCalc and GeoChart for +4? It will be interesting also to see GeoFile. It is odd but these programs look like Microsoft Excel. They even have the same dialog window editor. They also support application association for the file type. GEOS was made before Microsoft Windows 2.0 and Excel! The scale of this software is astonishing. It is true even for today.
Modern processors are more than 10000 faster then 6502, modern RAM capacity is about 100000 bigger than 64k, modern disk drive capacity is about a million times greater than the capacity of 2 C1551 but quality of software IMHO maybe only up to 100 times better.

The GeoCalc, GeoChart, GeoFile, and even GeoPiblish are presented at demo at disk 1A with GEOS +4 distribution.

I've found the manuals for GEOS http://lyonlabs.org/commodore/onrequest/geos.html

However GEOS distribution for C64 is missed. All links to it are wrong.

It will be interesting to compare modern SVSCalc with the ancient GeoCalc. wink

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