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on 2011-09-13
 Re: Wanted: Run/Stop key with post

Hungary is great place for old 8-bit computers. I want to buy an Enterprise 128 from there one day.

Posted By

on 2011-09-13
 Re: Wanted: Run/Stop key with post

I've seen the auction at vatera.hu. Congratulations! happy I didn't see how high the price rose at the end, but as long as it kept below some ten thousand HUF it was well worth every coins.

Posted By

on 2011-09-12
 Re: Wanted: Run/Stop key with post

Hi, good news (for you): I won, though I had to put a little higher bid than I planned, but the package worth the money, and seems I may get a good condition Plussy do not need a complete renovation to have a working keyboard.

I just need to organize to get this 40kgs of stuff at my place, I am 250kms from the seller
It will need a second project to go, haha.
OK, some more stuff to organise: a mouse for Amiga, some dozens of DD floppy with games, a PSU for ZX Spectrum + datasette+cassette with Spectrum games. Woooah, seems this action will generate further costs...

Anyhow, when I got the package, I can send you a key. It may happen in few weeks, pls send me a PM with your address. And I need to find out where is the post office, I just moved to this town, few weeks back...

Posted By

on 2011-09-12
 Re: Wanted: Run/Stop key with post

How did you get on MMS? Did you win?

Posted By

on 2011-09-10
 Re: Wanted: Run/Stop key with post

Well, I checked it again, it includes 6 (!) Plus/4, 2pcs 1541/II, the mentioned 1571, also a Seikhosa SP-180 printer and a CM8833 color monitor too. So I made the bid, hopefully I will win...
Even if only the half of the stuff work, can have enough good parts and some for repair.

Posted By

on 2011-09-10
 Re: Wanted: Run/Stop key with post

A UV Lamp, thats something I could do with getting too as the weather in the UK is non predictable at best!
Csabo, that keys had it, the plastic "cross pin" has snapped off in the post, I could with some tweaking probably get the bit out the post and re-use but the keys dead as it is (although I may try superglue later as a temp solution
mmsz, your offer is great, let me know how you get on!

EDIT: You know I may just keep this plussy after all!

Posted By

on 2011-09-10
 Re: Wanted: Run/Stop key with post

i am considering to buy a big package of commy stuff including 4 plussy, 2 c64, an amiga, 1571, 1541/II a zx spectrum and tons of datasette for a whopping 100 euro, but functionality not granted. I should decide today. If i win,then i will able to give you a key from a non working one. Btw i already purchased the hidrogen peroxid and oxi action, i still need an UV lamp.

Posted By

on 2011-09-09
 Re: Wanted: Run/Stop key with post

Mate, look up Retrobright, it isn't for the faint hearted but for those that persevere it has outstanding results!

On another note, just got this plussy working and changed the non standard PSU plug for a standaqrd 64 one, works well, going to put it up for sale soon if theres any takers (after I get a run/stop key that is!)

Posted By

on 2011-09-09
 Re: Wanted: Run/Stop key with post

Welcome to the site! happy

I don't have any extra ones unfortunately. Is the key still usable otherwise? I have one machine with a "Control" broken off (though luckily there's two of those). Also, out of curiosity, how were you going to clean it? If there was a trick to getting the keys white again I'd like to know.

Posted By

on 2011-09-09
 Wanted: Run/Stop key with post

Anyone got one? Was pulling the keys off for a retrobright session today and snapped this key at the base, going to need key and post now.

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