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on 2011-07-02
 Re: WTB: Bridgehead

Looks mint! happy

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Dan Wood
on 2011-07-01
 Re: WTB: Bridgehead

Thanks, glad you liked the video.

Ideally I would like the proper tape with box, good idea on the TAP transfer, that would be a solution until I can get my hands on a real copy.

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on 2011-06-30
 Re: WTB: Bridgehead

Nice video (though a long one)! I don't have that tape, though someone might have an extra. Are you looking for "the real thing"? That is, do you actually want to own the tape? If not, you could consider just transferring the TAP image to a blank tape and using that.

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Dan Wood
on 2011-06-30
 WTB: Bridgehead

Hey dudes!

Got my plus/4 out my folk's attic at the weekend!

Video: http://youtu.be/EH3hToHuvZo

One game that seems missing from my collection is Bridgehead I loved it, but the tape has gone missing, does anyone have a copy for sale? I'm located in the UK so anybody who is in Europe or maybe UK based who might have a copy, massively appreciated!

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