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Posted By

on 2010-04-11
 Re: Plus 4 Revisited

Just a quick reply to test that I can post after Luca looked into my access problem.

Many thanks once again Luca for your time.

Qog / Richard

Posted By

on 2010-04-10
 Re: Plus 4 Revisited

...and I answered back! wink

Posted By

on 2010-04-10
 Re: Plus 4 Revisited

Many thanks for the quick reply Csio, I have fired an email off to Luca.

Posted By

on 2010-04-10
 Re: Plus 4 Revisited

for registering please try the followings:

Posted By

on 2010-04-10
 Plus 4 Revisited

Hi All

My name is Richard, 46 Years of age from England.

I'm currently on an 8-bit micro nostalgia trip, trying to relive my youth I guess.

I decided to go for the commodore plus 4, I did own one back when they where selling them off very cheap at Dixons in the UK.

Unfortunately before I had time to really get my teeth into some serious programming the thing up and died on me, I took it back to the store to get a replacement but they had sold out and no more where available.

So here I am some 20+ years later armed with Yape/Vice some documentation I have downloaded (where I could find it), and I am currently scanning ebay in the hope of picking a real machine up at a bargain price (£££ a bit on the short side ATM).

I was glad to find this site as a good resource for the machine, I was worried that something like this would be lacking.

Although you don't have to register to post, I couldn't find a way to register as I thought that seeing as I will likely have quite a lot of question to ask etc. registering properly might be a better option (is this possible or just not necessary?).

Many thanks

Richard / Qog

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