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on 2009-10-08
 Re: Commenting on news

>>I brought this up before in the form of a poll. It got 34 yes answers, but those probably were all SVS clicking it one day at a time happy

[Csabo]: no, I did not make these things...

It could be sufficient in each news box to add a button [Start a thread]. If someone press it to add the first comment, the button becomes [go to forum comments].

Posted By

on 2009-10-07
 Re: Commenting on news

Actually, Csabo is pretty open towards suggestions happy A while ago, he even implemented that LOGIN I wanted. I only had to threaten him with declaring war on Canada wink

The idea about linking an "official" thread is good. Whoever enters a news item should create a new thread and link it. Worst case would be a "no replies"-thread. (A special category would be ok but the standard ones like hardware etc will do.)

I'm not really worried about littering the forum. First of all, we don't have that many news items. Moreover, quite often they are discussed here sooner or later anyway.

I don't think it would make the homepage redundant. That's where the news are... discussions are in the forum.

Posted By

on 2009-10-07
 Re: Commenting on news

I knew it would be a chore to implement and that'd leave Csabo as the sole maintainer busy for a few months for sure happy

Perhaps we could just link from the news article to an "official" forum thread? Of course only in case there is at least one comment.

Anyway, just brainstorming here don't take it seriously happy

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on 2009-10-07
 Re: Commenting on news

I brought this up before in the form of a poll. It got 34 yes answers, but those probably were all SVS clicking it one day at a time wink

While thinking through the site and database setup, I eventually ended up at a place very similar to the default approach of Drupal: everything (news, programs, members, forum posts, etc) is a node. Every node can have comments, can belong to a category, etc. A full rewrite of the site (that's what it would be to switch to Drupal) is probably out of the question, plus there haven't been too many people volunteering with PHP coding lately, so we're stuck with me doing small incremental updates. Oops, I got off topic.

So, commenting on news items... I think this should be done so that somehow news items are also forum posts, appearing in their own category. That would simplify a few things, but complicate others. Would it make the home page redundant? Would it litter the forum too much? Do you guys have an idea for a different approach?

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on 2009-10-07
 Re: Commenting on news

I think that's pretty much the same discussion we had with the demos before, isn't it? happy

I have to admit that I thought "Cool!" yesterday, too. So... Cheers to MikeZ and Csabo happy

Posted By

on 2009-10-07
 Commenting on news

Would it be cool to comment on news? Share your thoughts happy

I give a "thumbs up" for comments

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