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on 2009-09-17
 Re: plus4world top list

Csabo knows I was the first to complain and being surprised cause the high votes to a little digi demo which have been thought as a weekend divertissment. This has happened probably because of the appreciation to the tv series, and...well it sounds funny wink Nonetheless, it occupies the memory from $0200 to $FD00, and shows the official series logo compressed at its best, and a pixel perfect reproduction of the opening characters.
Time will pass, votes will be assigned, in the end that demo will be located in its right place, don't worry! happy
In any case, I hope the message passed throughout: everyone don't have to wait their perfect demo. Those are the times for a Chinese-like economy: we prefer 12 normal eggs over 6 super eggs, quality is ok but quantity is important! Release!

PS: talking about 'votes', I find scandalous so many people appreciated limiTED2, and in the end few votes have been collected for the single entries in the charts!

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on 2009-09-17
 Re: plus4world top list

I'm happy too, when somebody gets a release, and big respect and congrats to Luca! But for example Murphy worked so much in his demo, and in his production was some very great effect. A digi demo never isn't equal with it. For example Wman and I made Lunacy 1 and 2 in under one-one day.

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on 2009-09-17
 Re: plus4world top list

Hey Ati, good point, thanks for voting on that demo! (That was sarcasm happy) Point in case: you don't agree? Vote it down.

But "digi demos" could be broken out into a separate category I guess.

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on 2009-09-17
 Re: plus4world top list

The "most voted for" program has 23 votes (for demos it's just 20) so the "results" shouldn't be taken too seriously wink There are so many good programs which don't have any votes at all, does that mean those programs suck? Certainly not happy

Voting for a new production can also be seen as some kind of encouragement for the coder, musician or graphician. These days new releases are rare and I'm happy when somebody gets something done. Be it a demo, a music, a picture or a tool. I always try to be fair, though. (Even Tarzan's productions get some respect when it's due happy )

Also ppl have different tastes, e.g. some like oldschool demos with long scroll texts and others like trackmos with no scroll texts at all.

I think the top list doesn't really say "game/tool/demo x is better than game/tool/demo y". It's more like "some ppl like x" and "some ppl like y, too".

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on 2009-09-17
 plus4world top list

Hello! The new digidemo, The it crowd equal with Genetic faulty on top list...??? It isn't real.

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