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on 2009-08-03
 Re: Wiki

Sorry for the lot of typo mistakes, but I had a very loooong day...

Posted By

on 2009-08-03
 Re: Wiki

James: well, you saw only the English version, while I started with the Hungarian version happy

TCL: you are right, C16 was more tried to attract past VIC20 users. But the inital aim was low cost to kill Spektrum (especially in UK, where they could nto compete), later versions just by marketing guys.
In fact: Black is nice happy (my current PC and equipments are all black)
Plus/4 COULD be a great success, if they would not choose that "business SW" into the ROM (it was just an additional BOM cost with low benefits, as we would say now). Once I read there was a better SW, just it needed some more months to finalize, as did not fit to the original EPROM size.
I know, that after 25 years later (when everyone knows MS Excel), it is easy to criticize, but the just recently released SVS Calc is a perfect example, how good it could be. And you need no mouse and nice graphical UI to be a good business SW like GEOS (which was a breakthu in 8bit). In fact I never understood, why they dropped the numeric keyboard, as it does not cost too much, but gives a more "business-like" look and makes easier the data entry. The "tragic voice" was a nice try, but seriously even marketing guys could not think it can work...

Reading the English Wiki, it is almost correct (not everywhere, like the compatibility of joysticks or datasette). But Hungarian Wiki says: Plus/4 aimed to swap the C64, and that's not correct. At least that part I want to correct.

Posted By

on 2009-07-31
 Re: Wiki

The comments from the engineers seem to indicate the 116 was aimed at the spectrum and the other models grew out of management's desire to justify their own existence.

I've see far worse on Wiki.

Posted By

on 2009-07-31
 Re: Wiki

MMS: the claim about competing with the Spectrum might apply to some extent, but it's not fully true. It might only apply to the C-116 (you have mentioned the chicklet keyboard yourself), the C-16 has rather been supposed to replace the VIC-20 (AFAIK), whilst the Plus/4 has been supposed to open a somewhat new market (a cheap 8-bit computer with a somewhat serious appearance... just take a look at the built-in software pack). This is what comes to mind, you might want to look up Bil Herd's comments (he wrote about that for a couple of times on different forums, mailing lists and interviews) on the subject for clarity.

Posted By

on 2009-07-27
 Re: Wiki

In two weeks I will register, and add it again. Anyhow I want to add some comments, like Plus/4 was "originally it was created to change C64". B*llshit.
They wanted to make competition to ZX Spectrum, as C64 could not compete with it in the price segment (that's why they made rubberkey C116 also to attarct Spectrum huys like the feeling).
The unclear marketing -the aim of the product- was the main source of failure (everyone expected C64 killer performance, while compared to C64 games inital ones were weak, especially limited by the 16KB limit).
Eg. that why my current company make BIG color-coding of all products, make clear segmenation of mainstream, upmarket, etc groups, just by seeing the color of the box.

Posted By

on 2009-07-26
 Re: Wiki

Well... they knew you were coming from here, and figured you may have commercial interest in promoting this site (which is ridiculous of course). They're just too picky being balanced I guess.

Posted By

on 2009-07-26
 Re: Wiki

It's pretty stupid. The link to Plus/4 world has been there since 2004 October, I don't think it bothered anybody. It's especially bad, since the second link now reads "Another" C16/Plus4 website"... Another compared to what?

Frustrating. Don't get worked up over it, it's not worth it. People who want to find us probably will.

Posted By

on 2009-07-26
 Re: Wiki

it's frustrating to view that a Wiki administrator has erased the link to Plus4World claiming to me that wikipedia is not a page to promote its own link!
I don't know what ever I could do... anybody of you guys has a wiki login?

Posted By

on 2009-07-25

I've just updated the Wikipedia with new link of Plus4world.
I've modified pages in Italian, English and German, but not been able to do it in Hungarian page. I don't know why my login is not accepted there
Since Hungary is much important for Plus4 I suggest you all to try (better by someone speaking hungarian)

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