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on 2002-05-25
 Hi again Tom,

Ok's make sure your kickstart rom is in the same folder. It doesn't need a correct name and being in the same folder as the emu makes life easyer.. Mine version I'm telling you about here is Version0.3.5

Start the emu and at the menu down the bottom right go down and press return on "Configuration".

Now go down to "Memory" and same again.

Now you will see aload of stuff, go down to:

Kickstart-image file: --none--

and press retrun here. You will now see the directory of Fellow it's self and your rom, add the rom. Thats it.

Then just keep pressing ESC to get back the main menu and if ya like click START and your get the insert floopy screen up just to see it's working and depending which version of kickstart you have will also depend on what bootup screen your get wink Think F12 is back to the menu screen from there. Have a play..

Posted By

on 2002-05-24
 (no topic)

I have WinUAE and have Kick Rom, if that is the kickstart you refer to. I don't know what to do with that. Sorry for being crap and cheers for being helpful. The emulator is off some Amiga Classix 1 cd my friend leant me.

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on 2002-05-24
 Sounds like you need

A "kickstart" rom image. Have you got this?

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on 2002-05-24
 He is using...

WinFellow I guess as I understood wink

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on 2002-05-24
 ROM Images

The ROM images can be foun here. Which emulator did you use exactly?

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on 2002-05-24
 Rom Image Not Loaded??!!

I am crap at computers so please be kind. I have an Amiga emulator. When I get to the fellow screen with run, configuration,reset,quit, when I try to run a game the screen just goes black. Then, when I go back to that screen it says at the bottom that rom image is not loaded. Please someone help!!!!!!!

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