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Posted By

on 2008-12-27
 Re: Disatrous behaviour of my Plus 4

Yep, given that your plus/4 box has a round socket, too wink

Posted By

on 2008-12-27
 Re: Disatrous behaviour of my Plus 4

I know for certain now that the tape player is not the problem, as when I connected it to my X1541 cable, which in turn is connected to my old PC, it works perfectly. I think it's the PSU.
Would a Commodore 64 brick with square connection work on a plus 4?

Posted By

on 2008-12-22
 Re: Disatrous behaviour of my Plus 4

look what i found !

Posted By

on 2008-12-22
 Re: Disatrous behaviour of my Plus 4

i mean you have to take apart your tape recorder with a star screwdriver and after that you can see the engine what is drive the mechanical reading head with a rubber belt. that belt could be "old". and without this if it is not working correctly you can hear only the engine sound.
i had a similar problem some years ago, and a normal rubber what is you can buy a normal shop it can handled the problem. try it, if it is not okay, pls ask.
try this http://www.devili.iki.fi/Computers/Commodore/C2N/Service_Manual/contents.html

Posted By

on 2008-12-20
 Re: Disatrous behaviour of my Plus 4

The rubber belt? You mean obviously in the tape recorder? That actually sounds right, what you are saying, but how do I check it?

Posted By

on 2008-12-20
 Re: Disatrous behaviour of my Plus 4

Try to check the rubber belt. could be not enough power to drive.

Posted By

on 2008-12-19
 Re: Disatrous behaviour of my Plus 4

Sounds like the power supply. Make sure the fuse is OK, that'd be the first candidate.

Posted By

on 2008-12-19
 Re: Disatrous behaviour of my Plus 4

Sounds more like a connection problem to me. A loose contact or something like that.

I don't have a Plus4 but I thought that the Plus4 power supply is much better suited than the crappy C16 one - which failed on me a long time ago.

Does your power supply have a round or a square plug? If you got a round one, you could test your Plus4 with a C64 power supply.

I'm sorry that I can't really help you. But I would be careful with half way plugged in power supplies.

Posted By

on 2008-12-19
 Re: Disatrous behaviour of my Plus 4

OK I've just noticed something -when I disconnect the power supply and then partially reconnect it, the tape player works normally again. When I connect it fully and a picture comes up on the TV, the tape stops running. It must be the power supply that's buggered, and for some reason it can no longer muster up the power to run both the computer and the datasette. I know it's unlikely, but has anyone else encountred this and found a way round it??

Posted By

on 2008-12-19
 Re: Disatrous behaviour of my Plus 4

"retunr" should read "return", and "menas" should be "means".

Posted By

on 2008-12-19
 Disatrous behaviour of my Plus 4

I press play on the cassette player and nothing happens. No movement of the tape rotors. Yet when I type LOAD and press retunr, the computer still says "searching", which menas it must still be getting signals from the tape player. But the player won't play tapes! Anyone else had a problem like this? It was only working a few hours ago...

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