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on 2008-11-28
 Re: YAPE problem...

Well, I know this solution but not so nice, as stretching distorts the picture.... What's odd is that earlier I know that I did not have this problem... It annoys me a bit. Actually I remember now that some time back I had a funny message about directdraw at win boot but I ignored it and now I don't exactly remember what it was.... :-/

Posted By

on 2008-11-28
 Re: YAPE problem...

Gaia: we all are still waiting for full-screen menu management happy wink

Posted By

on 2008-11-27
 Re: YAPE problem...

That's odd, I have a 6800LE myself that also sucks... haha happy Try going to the advanced settings and enable the 'stretching in fullscreen mode' and use the 800x600 resolution. You could experiment with the render primary setting, too (though it seems that it fails at an earlier stage already).

Posted By

on 2008-11-27
 Re: YAPE problem...

hm... it seems that my last reply just disappeared... anyway, typing again:

I know the difference between CRT and LCD but I have been using LCD for more than 5 years now, and I have this problem only in recent month. My 6800GT is also not a very new vidcard... happy I tried some dxdraw tests, works fine. So, what else should I try?

Posted By

on 2008-11-27
 Re: YAPE problem...

Works fine for me. Do you have a new video card? What type?

Posted By

on 2008-11-27
 Re: YAPE problem...

yeah, in the past when I had CRT monitor and an older VGA, I could choose any of the resolutions in CCS64 and Yape. since I changed over to Radeon HD2600 + an LCD monitor, several resolutions seens not working, whcih was available with the old VESA-compatible cards. In such cases I have to qit the emulator (CCS64), and in the INI file manually change the resolution.
So seems in the newer VGA cards some old resolutions (linked to extended VGA resos, were very good for tricks) seems to be dropped, and the LCD monitors also seems to limit the possible resolutions also (due to the limitation of the scaler circuitry inside)

That's my view. BTW, i was involved in LCD monitor production and testing, believe me, I know how much limited those HWs are...

Posted By

on 2008-11-27
 YAPE problem...

Hey Guys,

Nowadays the 80's are back for me... I play squirm, kickstart, major blink, tutti-frutti, berks3 (cool!!!) together with my son. I noticed an annoying problem with YAPE:

Earlier I could switch to full-screen mode with any resolution (400, etc), now I can use only 800*600 and above... Of course I can stretch the screen by maximizing the YAPE window, but if I wanna switch to full-screen from menu, I always result in crash, with SetDispayMode FAIL or something. How is this? Directdraw problem? Thanx in advance.


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