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on 2008-07-15
 Re: Disk Doctor (v4.0)

Just to let you know: SVS Disk explorer is able to make the same operations, with graphical output, and works even with VLIR format files (GEOS) happy

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on 2008-07-14
 Re: Disk Doctor (v4.0)

By the way, the bug in Disc Doctor (Pigmy) is actually a very simple one: the program uses the value in $AE to determine the device number to be used, but if there have been no disk operations since reset, then it will be zero and cause the "device not present" error.
So, the workaround is simply listing the directory of the drive to be used (in the case of unit 8, simply pressing F3) first, and then the utility will start without problems.
However, I have a modified .prg file (http://www.sharemation.com/IstvanV/disc_doctor_pigmy_fixed.prg) that will automatically set $AE to 8 if it is not already in the range 8 to 11.

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on 2008-07-14
 Re: Disk Doctor (v4.0)

There is also Disk Doctor and Disk Doctor (RDG). However, none of these seem to have a version of 4.0, and I did not find the text search by using the H key either.

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on 2008-07-14
 Re: Disk Doctor (v4.0)

Do you mean Disc Doctor (Hungarian) or Disc Doctor (Pigmy) ?

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on 2008-07-14
 Disk Doctor (v4.0)

I was wondering if anyone else had tried this software application? Disk Doctor (v4.0) lets a user view a disk virtually byte-by-byte. The can even [H]unt for text that appears on the disk in an individual Track and Sector. I've used this program to successfully recover a large file (142 blocks) by re-linking the program sectors together and adding the program's file name into the disk directory.

Has anyone else had success with this program? It seems to be an invaluable aid for programmers and diskette users.


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