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Posted By

on 2002-04-15

Of course I thought about CP4, sorry I got a bit lost, thought it's still the same site %) It should go to its author :)

Anyway, you guessed right that CP4, and yes, you don't need anything else than an Amiga and an 1541 (with proper cabling) to experience the original feeling and the correct working.

Thanks for attention,

Posted By

on 2002-04-15
 Say that again??

Whats up?

Your talking about CP4 from what I can understand, but I'm not sure why or what it is your going on about?

If you need to use a 1541 then dust of your Plus/4

CP4 awesome as it is, is now showing it's age because of lack of updates, but at the time of release and for many months after it was king!

Posted By

on 2002-04-14
 Még mindig azt mondom, NAGYOT alkottál!

Ba**** meg, MÉG MINDIG az Amigás Plusi emulátorod (a 0.79) a NYERÕ!! Megint elõ kellett szednem az Amigámat, mert csak azon tudtam normálisan 1541-ezni!

Köszi mindörökké!
Roe (emlékszel, én nyomattam fel a verziószámot 0.5-rõl;)

F*ck, your +4 emu for Amiga (ver 0.79) is STILL the WINNER!! Again I needed to dust my Amiga because it's the ONLY possible way to use an 1541 100%!

Thanks forever!

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