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Posted By

on 2008-04-05
 Re: Plus4 GameBase Early Beta Version Released

sorry i wasn't clear enough.

Gamebase is a PC install that needs to be installed first.
then you add the downloaded files to it's directory and then set the paths.

it can be used as a launcher for any emulator you have YAPE or VICE for example.
but you do need a PC (not Apple MAC) for it to work.

Posted By

on 2008-04-05
 Re: Plus4 GameBase Early Beta Version Released

Any plans to support more emulators ? I do not use GameBase, but I recall someone requesting it on the commodore16.com forums.

Posted By

on 2008-04-05
 Plus4 GameBase Early Beta Version Released

Hi Folks.
Due to work commitments i decided to release my gamebase work so far.
before i loose it in a computer crash (LOL)


all the game files are taken from this site so you may already have them happy
only take what you need.

more updates coming soon...ish
any help and suggestions are welcome.
but please be nice!

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