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on 2008-03-21
 Re: Playing games off the website

When Icicle Works loads, the in-game controls are set to keyboard by default, which are the keys Gaia posted.

Press C on the title screen to change to Joystick mode, this will let you use the arrow keys for joystick emulation.

Posted By

on 2008-03-21
 Re: Playing games off the website

I guess he got it running but can't move the guy in the game happy

Try clicking into the Minus4j window once and then use the keyboard A, S, P, L, SPACE to move.

Posted By

on 2008-03-21
 Re: Playing games off the website

You'll need Java enabled in your browser to play the Plus4World games online. Click here to see if it's enabled or not: http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp

If you don't even have Java on your machine, go to www.java.com and install it. Once you've done that, the games here should work just fine. happy

Posted By

Trevor Halliday
on 2008-03-21
 Playing games off the website

I can get the Plus 4 games to open up in my web browser but I can't then play them. I got a game of icicle works to start but couldn't move the man anywhere. Where am I going wrong?

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