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Posted By

on 2007-09-01
 Re: Quelltexte

Well, Ralf, now you can! wink
Don't care about time, most of us have the same time-consuming troubles too (me not, me not!). Take your time, stay with us.

Posted By

on 2007-09-01
 Hi Chris Hi Luca

Ich bin müde.

 Hi Chris Hi Luca

I'm tired.

Posted By

on 2007-09-01
 Hi Luca

Very interesting! I am happy about your collection. In my opinion "Terminator" was a favourite game. "Compute mit" never published this Game.

Do you know "Dallas"? A remake of the C-64 - Game? had a lot of fun playing this game. I never published it because the idea of the game was not mine.

Posted By

on 2007-09-01
 Re: Quelltexte

Habe Dein Forum kurz besucht. Interessant! Momentan habe ich sehr wenig Zeit.
Familie und Job haben Vorrang.
Also bis bald.

Posted By

on 2007-09-01
 Re: Quelltexte

Hi Ralf, and welcome to this funny forum! happy
I'm very curious to see all your software stuff we missed (check the link to see if we included everything from you).
Also, due to your production on C16, I would add a file card abou you too, if possible. If yes, send to me some infos about you, via +4w message system, or mail, or several other clients (check my own filecard).

Posted By

C16 Chris
on 2007-09-01
 Re: Quelltexte

Hi Ralf

If you interestet on a german 264er Forum, take a look to the new Forum on my site, we was happy to see programmers in it.

Wenn du Lust hast schau doch mal in unser neues 264er Forum auf meiner Seite wir würden uns glücklich schätzen Programmierer von damals begrüssen zu können.


Posted By

on 2007-09-01
 Re: Quelltexte Sorry

Sorry, i thought I was in German forum. I searched my name with Google and found this forum. In 1986 I was very proud of the programm "Helmut".
I will seek my old sourcecodes.

Posted By

on 2007-09-01

Ich suchte bei Google nach meinem Namen ( Ralf Adling ), landete in diesem Forum und
sah die gute alte "Compute mit". Auf das Programm Helmut war ich damals sehr stolz.
Ich habe einige der Zeitschriften aufbewahrt. Meine Quelltexte werde ich suchen. Einige
davon fand ich vor 1-2 Jahren im Internet zusammen mit einem Emulator. Bei manchen war der Autor verfälscht.

Die Quelltexte, die ich finde ( auch die nicht veröffentlichten ), stelle ich gern zur Verfügung.


I searched Google for my name (Ralf Adling), landed in this forum and
saw the good old "Compute with". I was very proud of the Helmut program at the time.
I kept some of the magazines. I will search for my source texts. Some
I found it 1-2 years ago on the Internet together with an emulator. For some, the author was falsified.

I am happy to provide the source texts that I find (including those that have not been published).

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