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on 2001-12-20
 GEOS for Plus/4

I've found that also. The second disk is corrupt and will not load on my Minus/4 emulator.

Berkeley Softworks (now GEOworks) did not release a Plus/4 version of GEOS. What we're finding now is obviously a hack or attempt at conversion. I question the need for such a program unless Plus/4 versions of the GEOS utilities (Geofile, Geowrite, etc) were also made.

I once attempted my own Plus/4 graphical operating system back in the mid-80's but stopped when schooling and beginning a family ate up much of my time.

James C

Posted By

on 2001-12-20
 Geos v. 3.5 for Plus4 was released

by unknown people, but only in german language.
Also it worked only on a 1551 drive.
Due the file types it used (SEQ and USR) it cann't be loaded from any today' emulator
(If you don't like this (as me) pleeaaase tip to the emu' writers to add this important feature! )

A lot of Geos' utilities was also released (converted?); i.e. GeoWrite, GeoDictionary, etc. etc.
Many of Geos 2 progs (C64) run under Geos 3.5

At last, some years ago I released a pre-version of English translation of DeskTop.

Write me directly for further info.

S\_/S of [FIRE] crew

Posted By

on 2001-12-20
 Re: German GEOS

The Plus/4 version was not issued by Berkeley Softworks in the US. Somewhere I have a Computes Gazette with an interview with Brian whats-his-name, the head of BS, where he stated that the Plus/4 market was not large enough to justify coding a Plus/4 version.

I will agree that 'unknown' people may have released a compatiable version.

Your post reminded me of a Germoan GEOS 2.5 for the 64: http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/%7Eneuvians/Geos25.htm . Please note that Berkeley Softworks sold the Commodore version rights to CMD, who has recently sold them to Maurice Randall as CMD exits the Commodore business. CMD had previously threatened legal action to stop further development of GEOS without their input or permissions.

Maurice Randall has quickly released a new version for the 64 and 128, which leads me to think that he had not stopped development, but had just stopped publicising that he was working on it. http://www.ia4u.net/%7Emaurice/index.htm

James C in NTSC-land

Posted By

on 2001-12-20
 German GEOS

Yeah, but...Who cares ? I mean, Randall is just going on with further development with GEOS 64 and GEOS 128. I only care about the Plus/4 version of it And unfortunately the version made by "unknown" people I have came with an incomplete archive :PP



Posted By

on 2001-12-21
 To be precise...

I am far from being a GEOS expert (to say the least), but as far as I know it also used the 1541 drives (disks) in a non standard way, which leads to another problem. Not only they'll require full disk emulation from the emulators, but also D64 format simply can't contain all information necessary for GEOS. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the only possible way would be a true disk emulation of the (in this case) 1551 drive AND the G64 disk format instead of the D64 one...

Posted By

on 2001-12-21
 Ciao Attila


currently there are many copies of GEOS 64 and GEOS 128 circulating around the web. After CMD closing C= department, people started to spread their copies in D64. I can tell you they work perfectly.

Star Commander supports GEOS D64 images. So it's possible to copy them seamless, you just have to remember to check "GEOS Support" in the SC preferences.

Btw, do you have a copy of GEOS for Plus/4 ?



Posted By

on 2002-01-02
 People, it's Xmas time, what do you think...

...about to finally write the long dreamed drive emulation?
That one could be possible emulate a lot of very interesting SW like GEOS, Battlechess, SVS-OS, and os on. Then pleeease

Many thanx


Posted By

on 2002-01-02
 If it would be so simple... <sigh>

Believe me, Val, it's not the willingness that is missing, but rather spare time.

It's a complex stuff and a true drive emulation would require the rewrite of whole Yape anyway. I know it's worth it, but at this moment I don't have that much time I had 1 year ago

In the meantime, the source is available, so anyone could jump in to make it and help me!

Posted By

on 2001-12-19
 Geos for Plus/4 ?!?

Hello people,

does it exist a version of GEOS for the Plus/4 ? I came across a couple of D64's who claim to be GEOS for Plus/4 but I haven't managed to get them work on yape. Has anyone more informations on this subject ?



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