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Posted By
Csabo on 2007-03-27 19:47:41
| Re: YEOMAN - Unsolved mystery ;)
You are right about the "s" sound. But "come on" makes more sense in the context...
(Off topic: remember, you can use the autolink feature: double square brackets will link to any software, member, group, tool, etc. E.g. [[Yeoman]] will become Yeoman.)
Posted By
Chicken on 2007-03-27 14:38:40
| Re: YEOMAN - Unsolved mystery ;)
Sorry... connection problems
I was going to write: It might be due to the low quality sampling but to me it sounds like "Hey, savant!" or at least something starting with "s".
Posted By
Chicken on 2007-03-27 14:07:34
| Re: YEOMAN - Unsolved mystery ;)
Btw, the BASIC start line says "by M. F."
And I''m still puzzled if the frog really says "Hey, come on!". It might be due to the low quality sampling
Posted By
Degauss on 2007-03-27 13:06:25
| Re: YEOMAN - Unsolved mystery ;)
Wonderful stuff. I didn't knew it. It looks as if M.A. Numminen coded a demo
Posted By
Chicken on 2007-03-27 11:35:09
| Re: YEOMAN - Unsolved mystery ;)
I was really surprised that it made its way to plus/4 world
Maybe a link on a highly frequented C64 forum would shed some light on this...
Posted By
Csabo on 2007-03-27 11:26:36
| Re: YEOMAN - Unsolved mystery ;)
Ah yeah, I remember adding that one to the db. So weird
Posted By
Chicken on 2007-03-26 12:20:27
| YEOMAN - Unsolved mystery ;)
While browsing through my "miscellaneous" disks (usually stuff that was neither demo, game not utility), I found "frog demo" and searched the database...
This is really weird indeed, though kinda cool. I have the same file and nothing else. I always wondered what this is. Obviously, no one knows
The use of samples and the "(c) 1987" MIGHT be an evidence that it comes originally from C64.