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Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
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Notes:This one is really weird. If anyone has info (see below), let us know! Release date unconfirmed, automatically extracted from BASIC listing.
User Rating: 5.0/10 (4 votes)
Yeoman Screenshot

About Yeoman
It is unclear at this point whether this is a commercial or freeware product, or whether it is a (broken) game or (broken) demo. This is what happens when you run it:

Two frogs appear, with the title: "Data Frog Presents: Yeoman (C) 1987". The frog on the left jumps three times (making a slapping noise). Then digitized speech says "Hey, come on". It jumps three more times, then says "Hey, come on" a bit louder. Three more jumps, then the frog turns to the right, and slaps the other frog with its tongue. From then on they keep jumping indefinitely, and you may now press space, only to see the program crash.

If anyone knows who created this software (or why), let us know!

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