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Posted By

on 2007-03-25
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

That's fine then.

I just went with Csabo's posting in this thread... "set the Description field to "Comments by (Your Name)".

As I said it doesn't matter to me and I DO understand that you would like to keep a common "look".

Next one happy
How do I add an effect? I don't have [add effect] when I select a demo? And how do I create a new effect (No, don't say "Use your creativity and code" wink )?

Is there an effect "native TED music"?

Posted By

on 2007-03-25
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

I care the final result only, and a common format for entries.
- I asked Csabo which format he would prefer
- he said "all capitals"
- I reported here
That's all.

Posted By

on 2007-03-25
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

Nevermind happy Already figuered that out. Screen shots are above the comments so everything is fine!

You said "Csabo is the man" wink That's why I wrote "Comment by Chicken" and not "Comment By Chicken". Former is also following the standard capitalization rules but I don't really care and I'll change it anytime.

Posted By

on 2007-03-25
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

Yes, I saw an "Introduction" on some page... I wondered about the image galleries, though. Will those be above the comments?

Posted By

on 2007-03-25
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

Descriptions (these are called Program Notes on the database side) always show at the bottom, with one exception. If you set the ProgramNoteTypeID to "Introduction", it will show at the very top. These are used sparingly, e.g. for the first issue of magazines. (See the any Magazine/First Issue type software or the mags.php page).

Posted By

on 2007-03-25
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)


I didn't mind descriptions like "One of the best demos on plus/4" at all. Not because in most cases I would agree anyway but because they help those who check out the plus/4 to find the gems easily happy I was just referring to these descriptions to show that some kind of comments already exist when I wrote "nice digi tune".

I agree with Luca that the "comments" should be at the bottom of the page since they are the least significant bit. However, if that involves lots of changes I can wait. It's not THAT urgent happy

Maybe you can set up a poll and let the forum members decide.

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

I suggest to have a common title for comments, most of all I would suggest to give'em the lowest position as a default, in order to keep the prod's infos grouped on top.

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

One more note: effects (e.g. if an intro has digi music) now have their own data structure, so they should be added there. See /effects.php and [ add effect ].

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

Have comments? Click [ add description ], set the Description field to "Comments by (Your Name)" and type away. The comments on the Questionmark page also clearly state that those are notes from MC.

Where the program Notes say something like "One of the best demos", that's usually me: I was the only one editing this database for a long time (we had about 3000 entries when I first opened it up for editing). Change it to something better suited if you like.

As a general rule, the program notes field should describe the production in a few words, "catalog-like".

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

Perfect, time to begin givin' some guidelines:
- all the initial letters of a word are CAPITALS (Rome Tokyo etc happy )
- when something goes wrong, one Man only can go back in time: Csabo of course! The best way is to use the +4World Messenger to drop him a quick message; when job and family will allow, he'll do his moves wink

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

I just edited the "Magic Inspiration" description and entered a descriptive title but now there's an old "empty" entry as well? Can you delete that or tell me how to do that?

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

I will only add a description if I know the tool. I don't know many copy programs that have an "intro" but if I run across one I will carefully think about a description that won't upset anyone happy

Btw... I wasn't offended at all... just in case you worried wink It's better to say something than being quiet and annoyed. And I can take criticism... I get that every day at Art School. And yes, you should worry why all my profs vanished mysteriously

The "duplicator description" was the only one so far except the "Magic Inspiration" one. But that one I moved to "notes" because I saw that other demos have this kind of information in "notes". I think it's worthy to point out that a demo runs on 1551 drives only.

Are there any rules that specify what should be in "notes" and what in "description"?

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

Chicken now you should do the same for all the tools that show rasterbars or dypp or whatsoever happy It's not a question of voting as first instance, as you can see.
Also, those descriptions you used should better have a proper title...
No, better to use the "add effect" feature, even though it has been implemented few weeks ago and should have many more entries...

Bionic, yes, good example, that's needing of comment fields happy

Oh in order to be clear: absolutely don't feel discouraged to add anything you decide it's good to add in eh? wink We're learning about our own needings too!

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

Actually, it wasn't my main concern to avoid influences on voting -because not many people vote anyway- but that description is much more suggestive than my "nice" was, isn't it? wink

I just wish I could write a few lines to certain production that I appreciate.

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

There are also pages like this where the description reads like a very biased comment. Here a clearly marked comment section would actually help to avoid influence on voting..

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

I did so myself. Now I think it's just a description and not a comment.

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)


Well, it's a description. I was thinking about removing the "nice" because that is my opinion. But as I said before MANY description are already like comments. I sure read "One of the best plus/4 demos" and the like before.

In this specific case I added this description because most people wouldn't expect a digi tune in a copy program and therefore never check it out. Remove the "nice", I won't feel censored happy

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

Well, then the comment get's kinda "lost". Seriously, nobody searches through lots of pages just to read a comment. It's ok for new releases but usually old releases touch your heart a lot as well because they bring back memories.

If the comment is right there where the demo is, it's more "organized" and it won't fill the forum with "demo comments". Plus, if somebody starts a thread on just one demo most likely somebody will add "That and that demo kicks ass, too", which of course is not a bad thing generally. Though, if every demo gets a single page...

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

Well, a great habit would be, for example, don't add sentences liike "This copy program has an "intro screen" (see screenshot no.1) which features a nice digi tune.", since there's no comments feature yet...

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Re: Comments to demos... again ;)

how about using the forum for that? The posting frequency here is already pretty low...

Posted By

on 2007-03-24
 Comments to demos... again ;)

I know, this has been discussed before... and yes, there's POUET. Still, not many plus/4 users are registered over there and some descriptions have a comment-like character anyway.

And sometimes, I feel the urge to say something about a demo happy I mean you can vote, then why not express appreciation in words?

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