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C16 Chris
on 2006-04-01
 Re: New (Old) German Word Software

I have found in a great basket whits Books and Booklets the German Instructions Texsys.
It is in a very poor condition (not realy good for Scans) so i have transform it to a WORD Page.
See it hiere : http://www.c16chris.goracer.de/Chris/Computer%20Service/3%20Computer%20Service%20-%20Texsys%20-%20AH.htm

My english is not good enugh for a complete Translation but i will help so good i can (I think at the exelent work with SVS (Micro Basic Compiller)).

Posted By

on 2006-03-23
 Re: New (Old) German Word Software

Hey that C16 word processor works very fine, never heard about it before, so many innovative options for the year it had been released...

Posted By

C16 Chris
on 2006-03-23
 Re: New (Old) German Word Software

I forgot the DATEI-MANAGER by MARKT & TECHNIK was as a .D64 Image for download hiere: http://www.c16chris.goracer.de/Chris/5%20D64%20-%20Markt%20und%20Technik%20-%20Datei-manager.htm
For fullcoverscan klick on the smal coverscan.

Posted By

C16 Chris
on 2006-03-23
 New (Old) German Word Software

In my Colection I found an Original Disk (without Cover / only the Disk) from TEXSYS by COMPUTER SERVICE.
You can Download a .D54 Image und this adress: http://www.c16chris.goracer.de/Chris/5%20D64%20-%20Computer%20Service%20-%20Texsys%2064%20K.htm

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