About GEnie
GEnie (General Electric Network for Information Exchange) was an online service that ran from 1985 to 1999. It included Plus/4 files as well.
More about GEnie on Wikipedia

The list of files is archived here, with convenient link to our database.
The list was taken from here (cbmfiles.com), where many files are in .ARC format (which can be hard to access) or BASIC listing as TXT files.

ID Name Uploader Date Filesize Description Link
10699 +4TERM.NEWS.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-12-28 1,280 Desc of +4term prg [ SEQ ] [ TXT ]
10561 +4MEMORY.MAP.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-12-08 16,768 Index of Plus4 memory locations [ SEQ ] [ TXT ]
10553 1000MILES.+4.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-12-08 7,680 Milles Borne type card game for the 1000 Miles
10552 HIGGYTERM.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-12-08 8,704 Plus4 term program HiggyTerm
10551 +4READ-PRNT.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-12-08 1,792 Sequential file reader & printer File Reader +4
10550 LOAD.ADDRS+4.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-12-08 2,560 Fancy load/end address finder Load Address
10549 +4CONVERT.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-12-08 ,512 Converts Plus/4 WP files to SEQ P/4 Term Utility
10548 LISTMAKER+4.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-12-08 3,072 List, outline processor Make Me A List
10506 +4.DB.FIX.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-11-24 ,768 Fixes internal database bug File Manager Fix
10448 HEADLINER.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-11-13 2,560 Prints a status line on the Plus 4 Headliner (USA)
10441 WEIRD.ART.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-11-13 ,768 Plus 4 animation Weird Art
10237 +4TERM-12.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-10-14 5,888 Use a 1670 modem with +4TERM Xmoterm Plus/4-1200
10236 BASICSHELLV2.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-10-13 2,304 Basic boot program for +4TERM Xmoterm Plus4 V2.0
10235 +4TERM.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-10-13 2,048 +4 terminal program ?
10223 HR.LOAD_DUMP.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-10-09 1,280 Loads and dumps hi-res files HI-RES Loader/Dumper
10217 MACVIEW+4.ARC CBM-MARK 1992-10-09 4,608 MacPaint file viewer for the +4 Mac View +/4
8342 TELETERM BOOT VOYAGER-1 1990-10-27 3,780 This is the boot file for Teleterm Teleterm
8341 -TELETERM VOYAGER-1 1990-10-27 23,940 A terminal program for the Plus/4 Teleterm
8340 TELETERM.TXT VOYAGER-1 1990-10-27 5,040 A short doc file for Teleterm Teleterm
8163 FORMS+4_128 G.VANGELDER 1990-08-18 7,560 A row & col type of form maker Form Maker Plus/4
8162 CKLST+4_128 G.VANGELDER 1990-08-18 10,080 A row & col checklist form maker Checklist Form Maker Plus/4
7810 SPRINT+4 G.VANGELDER 1990-02-22 1,260 Simple but fast SEQ file reader CBM Sequential File Reader
7757 PTCUSTCHRS G.VANGELDER 1990-02-01 12,600 A set of 10 cust chars for Plusterm Plusterm Custom Characters Archive
7756 PT1KXMODEM G.VANGELDER 1990-02-01 1,260 1K Xmodem protocol for plusterm ?
7755 PTXMODEM G.VANGELDER 1990-02-01 1,260 The Xmodem protocol for plusterm ?
7754 PTDOCS.SEQ G.VANGELDER 1990-02-01 12,600 plusterm docs in std CBM SEQ format ?
7753 PLUSTERM G.VANGELDER 1990-02-01 21,420 full feature term - +/4 & 1670 modem Plusterm
6641 CURVE CALC G.VANGELDER 1989-03-04 6,300 calc's curve and plots graph First Degree Curve Fitting & Graph
6469 PLUS4.TXT FLAGSHIP 1989-01-24 54,180 Complete Message References for Plus ?
5927 OTHELLO +4 WAKES 1988-06-17 6,300 Othello (Reversi) for the Plus 4 Othello (Wakes)
4271 HIRES DRAW&FILE D-C-A 1987-06-07 5,040 Draw,Save,&Load your pics & mine! Hires Draw & File
3506 PLUS4 INVADERS D-C-A 1987-03-01 2,520 All Basic Arcade Style Game Plus/4 Invaders
3446 FILE TRANSLATOR D-C-A 1987-02-15 1,260 Translates SEQ-->PRG File Translator
3271 ASCII_PETSCII CONVERTER J.GILHOUSEN 1987-01-25 1,260 SEQ file utility by Dennis Larson. ASCII-PETSCII
3241 UNICOPY.INFO TIGLON.G 1987-01-23 1,260 BRIEF Unicopy Plus 4 Docs Unicopy
3240 UNICOPY PLUS+4 TIGLON.G 1987-01-23 2,520 Plus 4 File Copier Unicopy
3103 PLUS4 SCHEDULER J.GILHOUSEN 1987-01-08 8,820 Monthly Calendar and Daily Events Plus/4 Scheduler
3012 SD.BACKUP.+4 J.GILHOUSEN 1987-01-01 2,520 Single Drive Disk Backup Single Disk Backup V2.0
2984 ALARM CLOCK PLUS4 J.GILHOUSEN 1986-12-31 2,520 Turns the Plus/4 Into An Alarm Clock Alarm Clock Plus4
2961 DISK LABEL +4 J.GILHOUSEN 1986-12-30 3,780 Prints Tiny Directory Onto Labels Directory On A Label
2960 SEQCON +4.LST J.GILHOUSEN 1986-12-30 1,260 SEQ to PRG Conversion Utility Seqcon +4
2959 FINANCE CALCULATOR.LST J.GILHOUSEN 1986-12-30 6,300 SEQ file program listing of #2958. Finance Calculator
2958 FINANCE CALCULATOR J.GILHOUSEN 1986-12-29 5,040 Calculate Financial Interest Finance Calculator
2957 BASIC 3.5 COLOR DEMO J.GILHOUSEN 1986-12-29 1,260 Color and Luminances Chart Color Test
2953 BASIC 3.5 SOUND DEMO J.GILHOUSEN 1986-12-29 2,520 Sound Effects Demo for the +4/C16 Sounds
2952 PLUS4 SCREEN PRINT J.GILHOUSEN 1986-12-29 2,520 Plus 4 Variable And/Or Screen Dump Screen-Print/Variable-Print Utility
2951 CALENDAR CALCULATOR J.GILHOUSEN 1986-12-29 8,820 Calculates and Prints Calendars Calendar Calculator
2950 PLUS4 ETCH J.GILHOUSEN 1986-12-29 2,520 Doodle Type Program for the /+4 Free Etch
2944 TAPE-DISK PLUS4 J.GILHOUSEN 1986-12-28 2,520 Transfer Datasette Files to DISK Tape-Disk Copy
2943 PLUS4 DISK DOCTOR.DOC J.GILHOUSEN 1986-12-28 21,420 Docs for Disk Doctor #2931 Disk Doctor Documentation
2931 PLUS4 DISK DOCTOR J.GILHOUSEN 1986-12-27 7,560 Disk Doctor for the Plus/4! Disc Doctor

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