Zork I | [ Zork II ] | Zork III

Zork II
Title:Zork II
Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk only (1 side)
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
Product Code:T266002
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Published by:Infocom, Inc.
Distributed by:Commodore Business Machines, Inc. (CBM U.S.)
Cracked by:The Byte Ltd.
Notes:AKA Zork II: The Wizard Of Frobozz. Part 2 of the Zork Trilogy.
  External links:
    C64 release
    Amiga release
    Amstrad CPC release
    Atari 8bit release
    MSX release
    Atari ST release
    Amstrad PCW release

User Rating: 7.8/10 (6 votes)
Zork II Screenshot

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Original releaseCommodore Business Machines, Inc.1984CommercialT266002DiskBoxUnspecified4
1 found.

Tips: Commodore Computi... January 1988 (Magazine/English) pg. 102
Solution: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 1 Issue 5 (Magazine/English) pg. 12
News: Commodore Computi... April 1985 (Magazine/English) pg. 22

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Box Contents

Solutions - Complete
Zork 2 The Wizard Of Frobozz

by Reuben Cornwall

note: every thing with in the " " are direct commands
that you will need to type in

From the start "get sword and lamp" then go s, s, s, sw, to the shallow ford
and "turn on lamp" then go s, se, and "enter gazebo" and "get all" then
"exit gazebo" and go n, ne, and "fill teapot with water" and go s, sw, sw,
and you will be in the carousel room this room spins you around so you can't
be sure what direction you will end up at so "drop all but teapot and lamp"
and save the game this is a must now go n, if you don't enter the riddle room
re load the game and try again keep doing this until you reach the room
once here you will have to answer a riddle so "say 'a well'" and go e, e,
to the circular room then "enter bucket" and "pour water in bucket" then
"get out of bucket" and go e, into the tea room and
"get all cakes but orange cake" then "eat green cake" you will now shrink in
size go e, and "throw red cake into pool" and "get candies" then go w, and
"eat blue cake" you will now be normal size then go nw and "tell robot 'e'"
and go e, and "tell robot 'push triangular'" there will be a thud in the
near distance and the carousel room will stop spinning now "tell robot 's'"
and go s, then "get sphere" a cage will drop all around you so
"tell robot 'lift cage'" once this is done "get sphere" then go n, w, now
save the game this is a must and go se, back to the tea room if you don't get
back there re load the game and keep trying until you do once here go w,
and "enter bucket" and "get water" then "get out bucket" and "drop teapot"
and go w, and "get necklace" then go w, nw, to the carousel room there will
now be a box here so "open box" to find a violin now "drop sphere" and
"drop necklace and candy" then "get sword" and "get mat and letter opener"
and go n, and "get brick" and keep going n, until you come to the
ledge in ravine and go u, and "slide mat under door" then "move lid"
and "insert opener in keyhole" and "remove opener" then "pull mat" and
"get key" now "unlock door with key" and "open door" and go n, and
"drop key and opener" and "get blue sphere" and go s, d, w, n, and
"hit dragon with sword" and go s, the dragon will follow so
"hit dragon with sword" again and go s, and the dragon will follow
so for the last time "hit dragon with sword" and go w, the dragon will
follow and get drowned now you can "drop sword" and go e, se, to the
carousel room and "get newspaper and matches" then go sw, and "get string"
then go ne, nw, w, w, and keep going south until you get to the volcano
bottom once here "get into basket" and "open receptacle" and
"put newspaper in receptacle" and "light match" and
"light newspaper with match" and then simply keep typing in
"wait" until the balloon rises to the narrow ledge once here "land" and
"tie wire to hook" and "get out of basket" and "get coin" and go s, and
"get purple book" and "open purple book" and "get stamp" then
"drop purple book" then go n, and "get into basket" and "untie wire"
and "wait" until the balloon rises to the wide ledge once here "land"
and "tie wire to hook" and "get out of basket" and go s, and
"put string in brick" then "put brick in hole" and "light match" and
"light string with match" and go n, after the explosion go back s, and
"get crown" and go back n, and "get into basket" and "untie wire" and
"close receptacle" and "wait" until the balloon gets to the volcano bottom
once here "get out of basket" and go n, "get ruby" then go e, e, se, to the
carousel room and "drop all but lamp" and go nw, n, n, w, w, ne, e, s, and
"get portrait" and go n, and "enter shimmering light" then
"enter south wall" and "enter shimmering light" and "get bills" then
"enter north wall" and "drop bills and portrait" and go e, e, and "get all"
and "enter shimmering light" and go s, and keep going e, until you reach
the dragon room from there go n, to the dragon's lair and
"say 'hello princess'" and "wait" until she leaves the room and keep
following her until you both end up in the gazebo once here "wait"
some more until the unicorn appears the princess will then give you the
key that was around its neck along with a rose then "drop rose" and
"exit gazebo" and go s, w, sw, and "drop all but lamp" and go nw, n, n, n,
and "open chest" and "get statuette" and go s, s, s, se, back to the
carousel room and keep going s, until you get to the stairway and go d,
then go e, if you cant do this then go w, either way you should come across
club so "get club" then go se, ne, nw, sw, then go n, if you can't do this
then go s if that doesn't work try e, or w,if one way doesn't work the other
will then go u, then keep going n, until your back in the carousel room
and "drop all but lamp" and "get blue and red sphere" and
"get candy and club" and "get gold key" then go sw, sw, and
"give candy to lizard" then "unlock door with gold key" then "open door" and
go s, w, w, and "throw club at aquarium" and "get clear sphere" and go e
and "put red sphere on rudy stand" and "put blue sphere on sapphire stand"
and "put clear sphere on diamond stand" then "get black sphere" and go s,
and "put black sphere on circle" and a demon will appear you must now
"give all but lamp to demon" so you will have to take a few trips
back to the carousel room in order to give the demon every think you have
collected once this is done "tell demon 'give me wand'" then "get wand"
and go n, e, n, n, ne, s, you will now be in the menhir room and
"wave wand at menhir" and "say 'float'" and go sw, and "get collar" then go
ne, s, d, d, and "put collar on cerberus" then go e, s, and "open door" and
go s, and "turn off lamp" then "open secret door" and "turn on lamp" and
go once again s, to go through the door to the landing .

Solutions - Hints
What's the answer to the riddle?

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