| Yttrium | Title: | Yttrium | Category: | Game/Action | Release Date: | 1989 | Language: | English/German | Size: | 64K | Machine: | PAL Only | Code Type: | Machine code | Distribution: | Freeware | Game ending type: | Has an end, game ends | |  | Created by: | Alvo | Notes: | |
User Rating: 8.0/10 (5 votes) User comments: Read comments
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| Scrolltext | hallo folks!! this is my best program now - yttrium - a real funny game. you are a atom and you want to find the way to your molecule. so you have to pass ten 'energy'-levels to get higher and higher. >>> but be carefull!!! in all levels are electrons witch are very dangerous - a crash with them take one of your six lives away, but if you have pushed down all red buttons with the border of the atom and refulled energy throughout docking on the white old atomsymbol you have to be tuched by a electron and to escape through the sluice in the next level. (look at the color of the atom. so you will take the right way) have a reliable hand (you can use joystick in port 1 or the cursor-keys). i wish you good luck. thanx to god to give me my brain, greeting to ras-put-in, mad, electric duo, alf, ncs and especialy to ttl (don't be worry about using the music from your demo by me, but it's real great, else i would not use it). if you want to contact me: gdr-lpz.-290082. press c= to start the game!!! and now the german part: die spielanleitung ist folgende: du bist ein atom, dass alle zehn 'energie'-stufen durchlaufen will, um sich seinem molekuel anschliessen zu koennen. man muss in allen leveln alle roten schalter betaetigen (mit einer kante des atoms) um dann am alten atomsymbol nachzutanken und so die moeglichkeit erhaelt von einem elektron beruehrt zu werden, ohne ein leben zu verlieren. vor dem auftanken und nach der beruehrung fuehrt jede kollision mit einem elektron zum verlusst eines lebens. ins naechst level kommt man durch die schleuse. man kann den joystick im port 1 oder die kursortasten benutzen. viel glueck. spielbeginn mit c=, music mit space. a l v o (al) wuenscht eine ruhige hand. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 text restart >>>>>
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| Final |  Load this .FRE file as snapshot in YAPE emulator.
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| Cheats - How do I use cheats? | >188F 24
| Unlimited lives (enter while playing) |
>1729 2C
| Invulnerability (enter while playing) |
POKE 6015, 44
| Unlimited energy (unpacked) |
SYS 9040
| Restart game |
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