Who Dares Wins II
Title:Who Dares Wins II
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Product Code:AS372
Game ending type:Has an end, restarts (no reward)
 Play Online!
Released by:Tynesoft Computer Software (Tynesoft)
Re-released by:Alternative Software Limited
Code by:Jameson, Julian
Music by:Waugh, Ian
Cracked by:ECO
Notes:Published under licence of Alligata. ECO crack recracked by Captain Jack. Die Normandie, a despicable hack by ADI Software, shows swastikas and pro-Nazi phrases.
  External links:
    C64 release
    ZX Spectrum release
    Amstrad CPC release
    Atari 8bit release
    MSX release
    BBC release

User Rating: 6.5/10 (11 votes)
Who Dares Wins II Title Screenshot

Who Dares Wins II Screenshot

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Tynesoft Computer Software releaseTynesoft Computer Software1986CommercialAS372CassetteMicrocaseUnspecified3
Alternative Software releaseAlternative Software Limited1986CommercialAS372CassetteUnspecified3
2 found.

Who Dares Wins II

Derived Software
Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

Review: Computer Gamer 27 (Magazine/English) pg. 28
News: Aktueller Softwar... 2/1987 (Magazine/German) pg. 50
Review: Commodore User 40 (Magazine/English) pg. 77
Review: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 1 Issue 7 (Magazine/English) pg. 24
Advertisement: Popular Computing... Vol 5 No 50 (Magazine/English) pg. 35

[ Download ]
3 KbThe game's music in SID format.

TitleCreated byPlatformHomepageNotes
Who Dares Wins IILacosteGameboy Color

Cassette Cover
Cassette Cover
Cassette Cover (Back)
Cassette Cover (Back)
Cassette Cover (Alternative Software)
Cassette Cover (Alternative Software)
Cassette Back Cover (Alternative Software)
Cassette Back Cover (Alternative Software)
Disk Cover
Disk Cover
The backside shows exactly the same instructions used in the cassette version.

Physical Media
Cassette (Tynesoft)
Cassette (Tynesoft)
Cassette (Alternative Software)
Cassette (Alternative Software)

Bug Hazard
The game screens appear to be designed in order to feature water basins and craters in the ground, just as in the other formats'versions of the game, but for some reasons the code related to these obstacles have been neglected. Due to this, both types of obstacles prevent the passage of bullets and stop opposing soldiers, but can be overcome without hindrance by the player.

Outpost 6 screen has been designed adding two craters in the upper side, considering them a limiting obstacle to prevent the player from overcoming the screen and passing the first screen of the seventh level, but they do not prevent him from crossing it, staggering the sequential count of the screens by one screen, and creating the conditions so that the game no longer recognizes the elimination of the opponents in the next Outpost 7 as a condition for passing the level. The described condition doesn't allow the player to go further, getting stuck into that screen forever."

Who Dares Wins II Outpost 6

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>29BC 2C
Unlimited lives and grenades
>2A82 00
POKE 4162, 57
POKE 4163, 57
99 lives (unpacked)
POKE 4167, 57
POKE 4168, 57
99 grenades (unpacked)
G 24CF
Restart game

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